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时间: 2024-09-20 01:02:59


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "calamity" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The earthquake brought untold calamity to the region, destroying homes and lives. (地震给该地区带来了不可估量的灾难,摧毁了房屋和生命。)

2. The pandemic was a calamity that affected millions worldwide. (这场大流行是一场影响全球数百万人的灾难。)

3. Losing his job was a personal calamity for him and his family. (失业对他及其家人来说是一场个人灾难。)

4. The shipwreck was a calamity that led to the loss of many lives. (船只失事是一场导致许多生命丧失的灾难。)

5. The financial crash of 2008 was a global calamity with far-reaching consequences. (2008年的金融崩溃是一场带来深远后果的全球性灾难。)

6. War brings unimaginable calamity to both sides of the conflict. (战争给冲突双方带来了难以想象的灾难。)

7. The tsunami struck the coastal villages, leaving behind a trail of calamity. (海啸袭击了沿海村庄,留下了一串灾难。)

8. A major drought could spell calamity for the agricultural sector. (重大干旱可能对农业部门构成灾难。)

9. The collapse of the company was a financial calamity for its investors. (公司的倒闭对其投资者来说是一场财务灾难。)

10. The loss of biodiversity is an environmental calamity that threatens ecosystems worldwide. (生物多样性的丧失是一场全球性威胁生态系统的环境灾难。)

11. The forest fire was a calamity for the wildlife in the area. (森林火灾对该地区的野生动物来说是一场灾难。)

12. The political unrest led to economic calamity in the country. (政治动荡导致了该国的经济灾难。)

13. The unexpected flood caused widespread calamity in the low-lying areas. (突发的洪水在低洼地区造成了广泛的灾难。)

14. A personal injury lawsuit could spell financial calamity for a small business. (个人伤害诉讼可能对小企业构成财务灾难。)

15. The volcanic eruption was a natural calamity that displaced thousands of people. (火山喷发是一场自然灾难,导致数千人无家可归。)


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