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时间: 2024-09-20 10:26:09


Certainly! 这里有关于“fraternity”的15个例句及其中文解释:

1. The fraternity organized a charity drive to support local shelters.

- 这个团体组织了一场慈善活动,支持当地的收容所。

2. Joining the fraternity provided him with a network of lifelong friends.

- 参加这个团体使他获得了一群终身的朋友。

3. The fraternity's members gathered regularly for meetings and social events.

- 这个团体的成员定期聚集开会和社交活动。

4. She was the first woman to be admitted into the fraternity.

- 她是第一个被允许加入这个团体的女性。

5. The fraternity welcomed new pledges during their recruitment week.

- 这个团体在招新周期间欢迎新生入会。

6. Brotherhood and unity are central to the fraternity's values.

- 团结和兄弟情谊是这个团体价值观的核心。

7. He felt a sense of belonging once he joined the fraternity.

- 一旦加入这个团体,他就感到归属感。

8. Alumni of the fraternity often return to mentor current members.

- 这个团体的校友经常回来指导当前的成员。

9. The fraternity house was known for its lively social events.

- 这个团体的会所以其热闹的社交活动而闻名。

10. The fraternity's philanthropic efforts raised thousands of dollars for charity.

- 这个团体的慈善努力筹集了数千美元用于慈善事业。

11. Being part of the fraternity gave him leadership opportunities.

- 成为这个团体的一员使他获得了领导机会。

12. The fraternity's members were dedicated to academic excellence.

- 这个团体的成员致力于学术卓越。

13. She valued the fraternity for its commitment to community service.

- 她因为这个团体致力于社区服务而珍视它。

14. The fraternity celebrated its anniversary with a gala dinner.

- 这个团体通过盛大的晚宴庆祝其周年纪念。

15. Many of the fraternity's traditions have been passed down through generations.

- 这个团体的许多传统已经代代相传。


上一个 【英语】flagellate的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】fraternize的例句



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