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时间: 2024-09-20 08:11:03


Certainly! "Fraternize" means to associate or form a friendship with someone, especially when one is not supposed to, often due to social or official restrictions. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The soldiers were warned not to fraternize with the enemy during the ceasefire. (士兵们被警告在停火期间不要与敌人交往。)

2. She was criticized for fraternizing with members of the rival team. (她因与对手队伍成员交往而受到批评。)

3. In prison, inmates often fraternize with others from different backgrounds. (在监狱里,囚犯们经常与不同背景的人交往。)

4. It is against company policy for managers to fraternize with subordinates outside of work. (公司规定管理人员在工作之外不得与下属交往。)

5. Despite their political differences, they were known to fraternize at social events. (尽管他们在政治上有分歧,但他们在社交活动中还是会交往。)

6. The journalist was accused of fraternizing with sources to get insider information. (那位记者被指控与消息来源交往以获取内幕信息。)

7. Teachers are discouraged from fraternizing with students outside of school. (老师被劝阻在学校之外与学生交往。)

8. The celebrity was spotted fraternizing with fans after the concert. (那位名人在音乐会后被发现在与粉丝交往。)

9. Diplomats are trained not to fraternize with foreign nationals in ways that could compromise their positions. (外交官接受的培训要求他们不要与可能影响其立场的外国公民交往。)

10. The politician was criticized for fraternizing with lobbyists. (那位政治家因与游说者交往而受到批评。)

11. In some cultures, it is taboo for members of different social classes to fraternize. (在某些文化中,不同社会阶层的成员交往是禁忌。)

12. The boss doesn't like to fraternize with employees outside of work hours. (老板不喜欢在工作时间之外与员工交往。)

13. The officer was reprimanded for fraternizing with prisoners. (那位警官因与囚犯交往而受到训斥。)

14. She was warned that fraternizing with him could damage her reputation. (有人警告她,与他交往可能会损害她的声誉。)

15. Despite the rules, the athletes often fraternize with members of rival teams during international competitions. (尽管有规定,运动员们在国际比赛期间经常与对手队伍的成员交往。)


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