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时间: 2024-09-20 10:12:20



1. The artist spent months creating a stunning fresco on the ceiling of the cathedral. (艺术家花了几个月的时间在大教堂的天花板上创作了一幅令人惊叹的壁画。)

2. Visitors admired the ancient frescoes depicting scenes from daily life in Pompeii. (游客们欣赏着描绘庞贝日常生活场景的古老壁画。)

3. Restoration experts carefully cleaned the centuries-old fresco to reveal its vibrant colors. (修复专家们小心翼翼地清洁几个世纪前的壁画,揭示其鲜艳的色彩。)

4. The fresco in the library tells the story of the town's founding. (图书馆里的壁画讲述了这个城镇的建立故事。)

5. The artist used traditional techniques to paint the fresco, blending natural pigments with lime plaster. (艺术家使用传统技术绘制壁画,将天然颜料与石灰石膏混合。)

6. A team of archaeologists uncovered a remarkably well-preserved fresco in the ruins of an ancient villa. (一队考古学家在古废墟中发现了一幅保存完好的壁画。)

7. The fresco adorned the walls of the palace, depicting scenes of courtly life. (壁画装饰了宫殿的墙壁,描绘了宫廷生活场景。)

8. Modern artists often draw inspiration from classical frescoes when creating their own works. (现代艺术家在创作自己的作品时经常从古典壁画中汲取灵感。)

9. The museum curator explained the historical significance of the fresco to the tour group. (博物馆馆长向旅行团解释了壁画的历史意义。)

10. The colors in the fresco have faded over time, but its beauty still shines through. (壁画中的颜色随着时间的推移而褪色,但其美丽仍然显现。)

11. Artists from different cultures have left their mark on the world through the medium of fresco painting. (来自不同文化背景的艺术家通过壁画绘画留下了他们的印记。)

12. Scholars study ancient frescoes to gain insight into the beliefs and daily life of past civilizations. (学者们研究古代壁画以深入了解过去文明的信仰和日常生活。)

13. The museum hosted an exhibition showcasing replicas of famous frescoes from around the world. (博物馆举办了一场展览,展示了来自世界各地著名壁画的复制品。)

14. A tour guide pointed out the intricate details in the fresco that illustrated a mythological tale. (导游指出了壁画中展示的一个神话故事的复杂细节。)

15. The conservation team applied a protective coating to ensure the fresco remains intact for future generations. (保护团队施加了一层保护涂层,以确保壁画在未来几代人中保持完好无损。)


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