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时间: 2024-09-20 08:23:59


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "fructify" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. Hard work and perseverance will eventually fructify into success. (努力和坚持最终会转化为成功。)

2. It took years of research and development for their ideas to fructify into a viable product. (经过多年的研究和开发,他们的想法最终变成了一种可行的产品。)

3. The investment in education will fructify into a skilled workforce for the future. (对教育的投资将会变成未来熟练的劳动力。)

4. They hoped that their efforts would fructify into a lasting peace agreement. (他们希望他们的努力会成就持久的和平协议。)

5. Patience and dedication are necessary for dreams to fructify. (耐心和奉献精神对于梦想的实现是必要的。)

6. The seeds planted in spring will fructify into a bountiful harvest by autumn. (春天种下的种子将在秋天结出丰硕的收获。)

7. A supportive environment is crucial for ideas to fructify into innovations. (支持性的环境对于将想法转化为创新至关重要。)

8. His early investments in technology companies began to fructify as the industry grew. (随着行业的发展,他早期对技术公司的投资开始取得成果。)

9. The long hours spent practicing finally fructified when she won the competition. (她花在练习上的长时间最终在她赢得比赛时得到了回报。)

10. Their collaborative efforts fructified into a groundbreaking scientific discovery. (他们的合作努力最终变成了一个开创性的科学发现。)

11. Years of diplomatic negotiations finally fructified into a peace treaty. (多年的外交谈判最终转化为了一项和平条约。)

12. Innovation and creativity need time to fructify into tangible results. (创新和创造力需要时间才能转化为实际的成果。)

13. The entrepreneur's vision began to fructify as more investors showed interest in the startup. (随着越来越多的投资者对这个创业公司表现出兴趣,企业家的愿景开始变为现实。)

14. The economic reforms were slow to fructify but eventually led to sustained growth. (经济改革虽然进展缓慢,但最终导致了持续的增长。)

15. She patiently nurtured her artistic talent, and it fructified into a successful career in the arts. (她耐心地培养她的艺术天赋,最终在艺术领域取得了成功的职业。)


上一个 【英语】fresco的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】effulgence的例句



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