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时间: 2024-10-06 18:53:08


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using "humid" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The air in the jungle is always humid and sticky. (丛林中的空气总是潮湿而粘腻。)

2. We couldn't escape the humid weather even inside the house. (即使在房子里,我们也无法逃避潮湿的天气。)

3. The humid climate made it difficult for the clothes to dry outside. (潮湿的气候使得衣服很难在外面晾干。)

4. In summer, the bathroom mirror often fogs up due to the humid conditions. (夏天,由于潮湿的环境,浴室的镜子经常会起雾。)

5. Residents of the coastal city are accustomed to the humid sea breeze. (沿海城市的居民习惯了潮湿的海风。)

6. The basement felt particularly humid after the heavy rain. (大雨过后,地下室感觉特别潮湿。)

7. The plants thrived in the humid greenhouse environment. (植物在潮湿的温室环境中茁壮成长。)

8. A dehumidifier is essential in this humid climate to prevent mold growth. (在这种潮湿的气候中,使用除湿机是防止霉菌生长的必要手段。)

9. Running in the humid heat was much more challenging than expected. (在潮湿的炎热天气中跑步比预期的更具挑战性。)

10. The humidity levels reached a record high, making it uncomfortably humid. (湿度达到历史最高纪录,使得空气异常潮湿。)

11. The old books in the library were damaged by the humid conditions. (图书馆里的旧书因为潮湿的环境而受损。)

12. Her hair always frizzes in humid weather. (她的头发在潮湿的天气中总是很容易起毛。)

13. Due to the humid climate, rust was a common problem for the outdoor furniture. (由于潮湿的气候,户外家具经常会出现生锈问题。)

14. The athlete struggled to breathe in the thick, humid air. (运动员在浓重潮湿的空气中呼吸困难。)

15. Despite the air conditioning, the room still felt slightly humid. (尽管有空调,房间仍感觉有些潮湿。)


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