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时间: 2024-10-06 16:49:59


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "hostility" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The two nations approached each other with open hostility, ready for conflict. (两国以公开的敌意相对待,准备进行冲突。)

2. Her comments were filled with underlying hostility towards the new policy. (她的评论充满了对新政策的潜在敌意。)

3. The hostility between the rival gangs escalated into a violent confrontation. (竞争对手帮派之间的敌意升级为暴力对抗。)

4. Despite their ideological differences, they managed to discuss the issue without hostility. (尽管他们在意识形态上有差异,他们设法在没有敌意的情况下讨论问题。)

5. The hostility towards outsiders was evident in their cold reception of visitors. (对外来人的敌意在他们冷漠对待访客中显而易见。)

6. He felt the hostility in the room as soon as he entered. (他一进入房间就感受到了那种敌意。)

7. The negotiations were characterized by mutual hostility and suspicion. (谈判以相互的敌意和怀疑为特征。)

8. The hostility towards authority figures was palpable among the protestors. (抗议者对权威人物的敌意是显而易见的。)

9. The political debate was marked by intense hostility between the candidates. (政治辩论充满了候选人之间的激烈敌意。)

10. Years of rivalry had bred deep-seated hostility between the two families. (多年的竞争使得两个家族之间滋生了根深蒂固的敌意。)

11. The hostile environment at work made it difficult for her to concentrate. (工作中的敌意氛围使她很难集中精力。)

12. The speech was laced with subtle hostility towards the opposition party. (这篇演讲中充满了对反对党的微妙敌意。)

13. The hostility of the crowd towards the unpopular decision was evident. (人群对不受欢迎决定的敌意显而易见。)

14. He could sense the hostility in her tone when she spoke about their past disagreements. (当她谈到他们过去的分歧时,他能感觉到她语气中的敌意。)

15. The hostility between the neighboring countries had historical roots that were hard to untangle. (邻国之间的敌意有着难以解开的历史根源。)


上一个 【英语】homage的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】humid的例句



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