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时间: 2024-10-06 18:43:45



1. He paid homage to his favorite author by naming his first-born after a character from the author's novels. (他通过将他的长子命名为作者小说中的角色向他最喜欢的作家表示敬意。)

2. The film director's work was an homage to classic Hollywood cinema of the 1940s. (这位电影导演的作品向1940年代经典的好莱坞电影致敬。)

3. The event was a heartfelt homage to the founder of the company, celebrating his vision and leadership. (这个活动是对公司创始人的衷心致敬,庆祝他的远见和领导力。)

4. The sculpture was created as an homage to the victims of the war, symbolizing peace and remembrance. (这座雕塑是为战争受害者而创作的,象征着和平与纪念。)

5. The fashion designer's latest collection paid homage to the style of the 1960s, with bold colors and geometric patterns. (这位时尚设计师的最新系列向1960年代的风格致敬,采用了大胆的色彩和几何图案。)

6. The novel's protagonist is an homage to the author's grandmother, drawing inspiration from her life story. (小说的主人公是对作者祖母的致敬,从她的生活故事中汲取灵感。)

7. The museum exhibit featured artworks that were homages to various cultural movements throughout history. (博物馆展品展示了向历史上各种文化运动致敬的艺术作品。)

8. Her speech at the award ceremony was a touching homage to her mentors, who had guided her throughout her career. (她在颁奖典礼上的演讲是对她的导师们的感人致敬,他们在她的职业生涯中给予了她指导。)

9. The building's architecture pays homage to traditional Japanese design elements, blending modern and ancient styles seamlessly. (建筑的设计向传统的日本设计元素致敬,将现代与古代风格无缝融合。)

10. The musician's latest album is a loving homage to the jazz legends who inspired her to pursue a career in music. (音乐家的最新专辑是对那些启发她追求音乐事业的爵士传奇人物的深情致敬。)

11. The painting was an homage to nature's beauty, capturing the essence of the landscape in vivid detail. (这幅画是对大自然美丽的致敬,生动详细地捕捉了景观的本质。)

12. The play's storyline includes subtle homages to Shakespearean tragedies, with similar themes of love and betrayal. (这部剧的故事情节中含有对莎士比亚悲剧的微妙致敬,探讨了爱情和背叛等相似的主题。)

13. The festival is a joyful homage to local traditions, showcasing traditional music, dance, and cuisine. (这个节日是对当地传统的欢乐致敬,展示了传统音乐、舞蹈和美食。)

14. The new building's design pays homage to the city's industrial heritage, incorporating elements from old factories and warehouses. (新建筑的设计向城市的工业遗产致敬,融入了来自旧工厂和仓库的元素。)

15. The author's latest book is filled with subtle homages to her favorite novels, with references and tributes scattered throughout the text. (作者的最新书中充满了对她最喜欢的小说的微妙致敬,文本中遍布着参考和致敬。)


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