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时间: 2024-10-06 21:02:20



1. The beauty of a sunset is ephemeral, lasting only a few moments before darkness settles in. (日落的美丽是短暂的,只持续几分钟,然后黑暗降临。)

2. Her fame was ephemeral, as she disappeared from public attention soon after her one hit song. (她的名声是短暂的,因为她的一首热门歌曲后很快就消失在公众视线中。)

3. The artist creates ephemeral art installations using materials that naturally decay over time. (艺术家利用随时间自然腐朽的材料创作短暂的艺术装置。)

4. Memories of childhood are often ephemeral, fading as we grow older. (童年的记忆往往是短暂的,随着年龄增长而逐渐淡忘。)

5. The morning mist hung over the lake, its ephemeral beauty captivating the early risers. (晨雾笼罩在湖面上,它短暂的美丽吸引了早起的人们。)

6. Fashion trends are notoriously ephemeral, with styles changing rapidly from season to season. (时尚潮流以其快速变化而闻名,风格每个季节都在迅速变化。)

7. The CEO's influence on the company's direction proved ephemeral, as new leadership quickly steered a different course. (CEO对公司方向的影响证明是短暂的,因为新领导迅速改变了方向。)

8. The ice sculptures at the winter festival were ephemeral, melting away in the warmth of the spring sun. (冬季节庆上的冰雕是短暂的,在春日暖阳下迅速融化。)

9. The joy of victory was ephemeral, overshadowed by the challenges of maintaining their title in the next season. (胜利的喜悦是短暂的,在接下来的赛季中维持他们的头衔面临重重挑战。)

10. The impact of his groundbreaking research was ephemeral, quickly overshadowed by new discoveries. (他开创性研究的影响是短暂的,很快被新发现所掩盖。)

11. The writer's fame was ephemeral, despite the initial excitement surrounding her debut novel. (尽管初次推出的小说引起了轰动,但作家的名声是短暂的。)

12. The fragile butterfly's life is ephemeral, spanning only a few weeks in its adult stage. (脆弱的蝴蝶生命是短暂的,在成年阶段仅延续几个星期。)

13. Political alliances in wartime are often ephemeral, formed for convenience rather than lasting unity. (战时的政治联盟往往是短暂的,是出于便利而非持久的团结。)

14. The autumn leaves' vibrant colors are ephemeral, lasting only until the first frost. (秋叶的绚丽色彩是短暂的,仅持续到第一场霜冻。)

15. The feeling of elation after achieving a long-sought goal can be ephemeral, fading as daily routines resume. (在实现了长期追求的目标后的愉悦感是短暂的,在日常生活重新开始时逐渐消退。)


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