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时间: 2024-09-18 12:21:39



1. The novelist's lupine features and piercing gaze gave him an air of mystery.(小说家狼一般的面貌和锐利的目光给了他神秘的气息。)

2. The lupine howl echoed through the forest, sending shivers down our spines.(狼一般的嚎叫在森林中回荡,使我们背脊发凉。)

3. She had a lupine grace about her, moving with silent, predatory elegance.(她身上有着狼一般的优雅,静默而具有掠食性的优雅。)

4. The detective had a lupine ability to sniff out clues that others missed.(侦探有着狼一般的能力,嗅出别人忽略的线索。)

5. The landscape was bathed in the lupine light of the full moon.(风景被满月下的狼一般的光辉所照耀。)

6. His lupine grin made her uneasy, as if he knew something she didn't.(他的狼一般的笑容让她感到不安,好像他知道她不知道的事情。)

7. The wilderness was populated by lupine creatures, blending seamlessly into their surroundings.(荒野上有许多狼一般的生物,完美地融入了它们的环境中。)

8. The soldier had a lupine determination in his eyes, ready to face any challenge.(士兵的眼中有着狼一般的决心,准备迎接任何挑战。)

9. The artist captured the lupine essence of the animal in her painting.(艺术家在她的画作中捕捉到了动物狼一般的本质。)

10. The storm brought with it a lupine fury, tearing through the countryside.(风暴带来了狼一般的愤怒,肆虐乡间。)

11. Her beauty had a lupine quality, fierce yet captivating.(她的美丽具有狼一般的特质,既狂野又迷人。)

12. The writer's words had a lupine eloquence, drawing readers into his world.(作家的文字具有狼一般的雄辩,吸引读者进入他的世界。)

13. The movie depicted a lupine struggle for survival in the harsh Arctic wilderness.(电影描述了在严酷的北极荒野中进行的狼一般的生存斗争。)

14. His demeanor was marked by a lupine intensity, making it clear he was not to be underestimated.(他的态度充满了狼一般的强烈,清楚地表明他不容小觑。)

15. The politician's speech had a lupine cunning, manipulating public opinion effortlessly.(政治家的演讲带有狼一般的狡诈,轻松地操控着公众舆论。)


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