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时间: 2024-09-19 17:29:33



1. She writes beautiful lyrics for her songs.(她为自己的歌曲写了优美的歌词。)

2. The poet penned heartfelt lyrics about lost love.(诗人写下了关于失恋的深情诗歌。)

3. His voice conveyed the emotion of the lyrics perfectly.(他的声音完美地传达了歌词中的情感。)

4. The lyrics of this song are so uplifting.(这首歌的歌词非常振奋人心。)

5. The band's new album features thoughtful and introspective lyrics.(这支乐队的新专辑包含深思熟虑和自省的歌词。)

6. The lyrics of the national anthem stir feelings of patriotism.(国歌的歌词激起了爱国情怀。)

7. His lyrics are filled with imagery and metaphor.(他的歌词充满了意象和隐喻。)

8. The singer changed some of the lyrics during the live performance.(歌手在现场表演中改变了部分歌词。)

9. The lyrics of the song resonate with listeners on a personal level.(这首歌的歌词在个人层面上与听众产生共鸣。)

10. She analyzed the lyrics of the poem in her literature class.(她在文学课上分析了这首诗的歌词。)

11. The song's lyrics capture the essence of youth and rebellion.(这首歌的歌词捕捉了青春和叛逆的精髓。)

12. He struggled to come up with the right lyrics for the chorus.(他苦苦思索如何为副歌写出合适的歌词。)

13. The lyrics reflect the songwriter's personal struggles and triumphs.(这些歌词反映了作曲家的个人挣扎和胜利。)

14. The poet's lyrical style is known for its fluidity and grace.(这位诗人的抒情风格以其流畅和优雅而闻名。)

15. The lyrics evoke memories of a distant past.(这些歌词唤起了遥远过去的回忆。)


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