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时间: 2024-10-08 04:49:26



1. His explanation of the issue was rather nebulous, leaving us unsure of what he meant. (他对这个问题的解释很模糊,让我们不确定他的意思。)

2. The concept of happiness can be nebulous and difficult to define precisely. (幸福的概念可能很模糊,很难精确定义。)

3. The company's future plans are still nebulous; they haven't been clarified yet. (公司的未来计划仍然模糊不清,尚未澄清。)

4. She had only a nebulous idea of how to proceed with the project. (她对如何进行这个项目只有一个模糊的概念。)

5. The legal language in the contract was intentionally nebulous to allow for multiple interpretations. (合同中的法律用语故意模糊,以允许多种解释。)

6. His memories of that day are nebulous and fragmented. (他对那天的记忆模糊而零碎。)

7. The artist painted a nebulous cloud in the background of the landscape. (艺术家在风景画的背景中画了一朵模糊的云。)

8. The nebulous outline of the island emerged from the mist. (岛屿的模糊轮廓从雾中显现出来。)

9. The concept of justice can sometimes seem nebulous in a complex legal case. (在复杂的法律案件中,正义的概念有时显得模糊不清。)

10. The candidate's policies remained nebulous during the debate. (在辩论中,候选人的政策依然模糊不清。)

11. Trying to navigate through the nebulous world of social media can be challenging. (试图在社交媒体这个模糊的世界中导航是具有挑战性的。)

12. His dreams were filled with nebulous shapes and colors. (他的梦境充满了模糊的形状和颜色。)

13. The instructions were so nebulous that we had to ask for clarification several times. (说明如此模糊,我们不得不多次请求澄清。)

14. The author's writing style was intentionally nebulous to provoke thought and interpretation. (作者的写作风格故意模糊,以引发思考和解释。)

15. The scientific theory started with a nebulous hypothesis that required extensive testing. (这个科学理论从一个需要广泛测试的模糊假设开始。)


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