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时间: 2024-10-08 03:00:57



1. The internecine conflict within the political party weakened its influence.

- 政党内部的内讧削弱了其影响力。

2. The company suffered from internecine strife among its top executives.

- 公司在高层管理人员之间的内讧中受到了损失。

3. The internecine battles between the rival factions devastated the community.

- 对手派别之间的内讧战斗使社区陷入了沉重打击。

4. The internecine conflict between the two crime families led to widespread violence.

- 两个犯罪家族之间的内讧冲突导致了广泛的暴力事件。

5. The internecine struggle for power resulted in the collapse of the coalition government.

- 权力的内部斗争导致了联合政府的崩溃。

6. The internecine warfare among the rebel groups prolonged the civil war.

- 叛军团体之间的内战延长了内战的时间。

7. The party was torn apart by internecine rivalries over leadership positions.

- 党内因为领导职位的内部竞争而四分五裂。

8. The internecine disputes within the union weakened its bargaining power.

- 工会内部的争论削弱了其议价能力。

9. Internecine conflicts between different departments hampered the company's progress.

- 不同部门之间的内讧冲突阻碍了公司的进展。

10. The internecine feuds among the royal family members threatened the stability of the kingdom.

- 王室成员之间的内讧严重威胁到了王国的稳定性。

11. The internecine quarrels over property inheritance split the family apart.

- 因为财产继承而引发的内部争执使家庭分裂。

12. The internecine rivalry between the two business partners turned into a legal battle.

- 两位商业伙伴之间的内讧竞争演变成了一场法律战。

13. Internecine conflicts over ideological differences paralyzed the organization.

- 因为意识形态分歧而产生的内讧冲突使组织陷入瘫痪状态。

14. The internecine power struggles at the university led to administrative chaos.

- 大学内部的权力斗争导致了行政混乱。

15. Internecine disputes within the community council hindered decision-making processes.

- 社区委员会内部的争端阻碍了决策过程。


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