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时间: 2024-10-07 22:50:29


Sure, here are 15 sentences with explanations in Chinese for the word "nomadic":

1. The nomadic tribes of Mongolia move their camps according to the seasons. (蒙古的游牧部落根据季节迁移他们的营地。)

2. Nomadic peoples often live in tents or temporary shelters. (游牧民族常常居住在帐篷或临时的住所。)

3. The nomadic lifestyle requires constant movement in search of grazing land. (游牧生活方式需要不断地迁徙以寻找牧场。)

4. Nomadic traditions often include a deep connection to nature and animals. (游牧传统通常包括与自然和动物的深厚联系。)

5. In ancient times, nomadic tribes played a significant role in trade along the Silk Road. (古代,游牧部落在丝绸之路沿线的贸易中发挥了重要作用。)

6. The nomadic herdsmen follow a set route each year to ensure their livestock have enough food. (游牧牧民每年都会沿着固定的路线行走,以确保他们的牲畜有足够的食物。)

7. Some nomadic cultures have a rich oral tradition passed down through generations. (一些游牧文化通过世代口头传承拥有丰富的传统。)

8. Nomadic communities often rely on traditional knowledge for survival in harsh environments. (游牧社区通常依靠传统知识在恶劣环境中生存。)

9. The nomadic way of life is closely tied to the movement of herds for sustenance. (游牧的生活方式与牧群的迁徙密切相关,以获取食物。)

10. Modern transportation has influenced some nomadic groups, making their movements easier. (现代交通工具影响了一些游牧群体,使他们的迁徙更加便利。)

11. Nomadic communities celebrate rituals that mark important stages in their lives and in the calendar year. (游牧社区庆祝标志着他们生活重要阶段和历年的仪式。)

12. The lifestyle of nomadic tribes requires adaptability to changing conditions. (游牧部落的生活方式需要对不断变化的条件有所适应。)

13. Some nomadic societies have transitioned to settled life while retaining elements of their traditional culture. (一些游牧社会已经过渡到定居生活,同时保留了其传统文化的元素。)

14. The nomadic groups in Central Asia have a history of migration spanning centuries. (中亚的游牧群体有着跨越几个世纪的迁徙历史。)

15. Nomadic economies often involve bartering goods rather than using currency. (游牧经济常常涉及物物交换而非使用货币。)


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