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时间: 2024-10-07 21:11:44


Sure, here are 15 examples of sentences using the word "innuendo" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. She made an innuendo about his intentions, implying he wasn't being honest. (她暗示他的意图,并暗示他不诚实。)

2. The article was filled with innuendos about the politician's personal life. (这篇文章充满了对政治家个人生活的暗示。)

3. His comments were full of innuendo, leaving everyone wondering what he really meant. (他的评论充满了含沙射影,让大家都在猜测他的真实意图。)

4. The comedian's jokes often rely on innuendo for humor. (这位喜剧演员的笑话常常利用含沙射影来制造幽默。)

5. The film was criticized for its use of innuendo rather than straightforward dialogue. (这部电影因为使用含沙射影而不是直接的对话而受到批评。)

6. Her innocent remark was misunderstood as an innuendo by those who didn't know her well. (她无辜的话被那些不熟悉她的人误解为含沙射影。)

7. The novel was praised for its clever use of innuendo to create suspense. (这部小说因巧妙地使用含沙射影来制造悬念而受到赞扬。)

8. The detective noticed the subtle innuendos in the suspect's statement. (侦探注意到嫌疑人陈述中微妙的含沙射影。)

9. She responded with a sly innuendo, hinting at her knowledge of the situation. (她以狡猾的含沙射影回应,暗示她对情况的了解。)

10. The song's lyrics were full of innuendo, making it popular among listeners who enjoyed deciphering hidden meanings. (这首歌的歌词充满了含沙射影,因此受到喜欢揭示隐藏意义的听众的欢迎。)

11. He avoided direct accusations and instead relied on innuendo to criticize his opponent. (他避免直接指责,而是依靠含沙射影来批评他的对手。)

12. The gossip columnist's innuendos stirred up controversy among celebrities. (八卦专栏作家的含沙射影在名人之间引起了争议。)

13. She made a playful innuendo, teasing her friend about his secret crush. (她开玩笑地暗示,取笑她朋友对某人的秘密迷恋。)

14. The politician's speech was criticized for its use of innuendo to avoid directly answering questions. (这位政治家的演讲因使用含沙射影来回避直接回答问题而受到批评。)

15. The novel's dialogue was rich with innuendo, creating layers of meaning that readers had to decipher. (这部小说的对话充满了含沙射影,创造了读者必须解读的意义层次。)


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