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时间: 2024-10-07 18:48:42



1. His efforts to change the policy were nugatory; the decision had already been made. (他改变政策的努力是徒劳的;决定已经做出。)

2. The committee's recommendations turned out to be nugatory as they were ignored by the management. (委员会的建议结果是徒劳的,因为管理层忽视了它们。)

3. The small donation seemed nugatory in the face of the organization's vast financial needs. (在这个组织庞大的财务需求面前,这笔小额捐款似乎毫无价值。)

4. The opposition's arguments were dismissed as nugatory by the majority of the voters. (多数选民认为反对派的论点毫无意义,因而被忽视。)

5. The legal challenge proved to be nugatory after the new legislation was passed. (在新法律通过后,法律上的挑战被证明是徒劳的。)

6. His attempt to repair the ancient vase was ultimately nugatory; it shattered beyond repair. (他试图修复这个古董花瓶的尝试最终是徒劳的;它摔碎了,无法修复。)

7. The student's protest was nugatory; the university administration remained unmoved. (学生的抗议是徒劳的;大学管理层仍旧不为所动。)

8. Despite her best efforts, her influence over the project was nugatory. (尽管她尽了最大努力,但她在这个项目中的影响力微乎其微。)

9. The old factory's attempt to compete in the modern market proved nugatory due to outdated technology. (老工厂在现代市场上竞争的努力由于技术过时而徒劳无功。)

10. The meeting ended with nugatory discussions that led to no concrete decisions. (会议以毫无成果的讨论告终,没有做出任何具体决定。)

11. The opposition's attempts to delay the bill were nugatory as it passed unanimously. (反对派试图拖延这项法案的努力是徒劳的,因为它被全票通过了。)

12. The artist felt his early works were nugatory compared to his later masterpieces. (艺术家觉得他早期的作品与后来的杰作相比毫无价值。)

13. The company's investment in the failing technology turned out to be nugatory; they lost substantial sums. (公司对失败的技术的投资最终是徒劳的;他们损失了大量资金。)

14. Despite their efforts, the team's performance in the tournament was nugatory, resulting in early elimination. (尽管他们努力了,但团队在比赛中的表现毫无成效,导致了早早的淘汰。)

15. The politician's promises proved to be nugatory after he failed to deliver on any of them. (政客的承诺在他未能兑现任何一项之后被证明是毫无价值的。)


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