时间: 2024-11-09 09:04:47
Certainly! "Oleaginous" means oily or greasy, but it can also metaphorically describe someone who is excessively flattering or ingratiating. Here are 15 example sentences with their Chinese translations:
1. The mechanic's hands were blackened and oleaginous from working on the engine.
- 这个机械师的手因为修理发动机而沾满了油污。
2. The politician's oleaginous smile didn't convince many voters of his sincerity.
- 那位政客油腔滑调的微笑并没有说服很多选民相信他的诚意。
3. The chef drizzled an oleaginous sauce over the pasta to enhance its flavor.
- 厨师在意大利面上淋上一层油腻的酱汁,增添了它的风味。
4. His oleaginous mannerisms made him unpopular among his colleagues.
- 他油嘴滑舌的举止使他在同事中不受欢迎。
5. The old car left an oleaginous trail wherever it parked.
- 那辆旧车停放的地方总是留下一条油迹。
6. She avoided his oleaginous compliments, suspecting they were insincere.
- 她避开了他那些油腔滑调的恭维,怀疑它们不是真心的。
7. The oleaginous texture of the lotion left her skin feeling smooth and hydrated.
- 那种油腻的乳液质地让她的皮肤光滑且保湿。
8. His oleaginous speech failed to win over the skeptical audience.
- 他那些油腔滑调的演讲未能说服怀疑的观众。
9. The salad was dressed with an oleaginous vinaigrette that complemented the fresh vegetables.
- 沙拉上淋上了一层油腻的醋汁,与新鲜的蔬菜相得益彰。
10. The salesman's oleaginous demeanor grated on her nerves during the entire presentation.
- 推销员那油腔滑调的态度在整个介绍过程中让她感到不耐烦。
11. The oleaginous surface of the pond indicated pollution levels were high.
- 池塘表面的油腻显示污染水平很高。
12. His oleaginous behavior towards his boss earned him a promotion.
- 他对老板的阿谀奉承让他得到了晋升。
13. The motorbike left an oleaginous film on the garage floor.
- 摩托车在车库地板上留下了一层油迹。
14. She found his oleaginous compliments insincere and manipulative.
- 她觉得他那些油腔滑调的恭维不真诚而且是在操控人。
15. The oleaginous nature of the substance made it difficult to clean off surfaces.
- 这种物质的油腻性质使得它很难从表面清洁掉。