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时间: 2024-10-08 00:48:22


“Ramify” 是一个动词,意思是“分支”、“扩展”或“引申”。以下是 15 个使用“ramify”的例句及其中文解释:

1. The consequences of the policy will ramify into several areas of our lives.

- 这一政策的后果将会在我们生活的多个方面产生深远的影响。

2. The research findings will likely ramify into new areas of study.

- 研究结果可能会扩展到新的研究领域。

3. The effects of climate change can ramify through various ecosystems.

- 气候变化的影响可以通过各种生态系统扩展。

4. Her influence began to ramify throughout the organization.

- 她的影响力开始在整个组织中扩展。

5. As the problem began to ramify, it became harder to manage.

- 随着问题的扩展,管理起来变得越来越困难。

6. The initial success of the project began to ramify into other business opportunities.

- 项目的初步成功开始扩展到其他商业机会中。

7. His ideas on social reform began to ramify into different sectors of society.

- 他关于社会改革的思想开始在社会的不同领域中扩展。

8. The new policy will ramify through various aspects of the economy.

- 新政策将会在经济的多个方面产生影响。

9. Technological advancements continue to ramify into every part of our daily lives.

- 科技进步不断扩展到我们日常生活的每一个方面。

10. The legal implications of the decision will ramify throughout the judicial system.

- 这个决定的法律影响将会在整个司法系统中扩展。

11. The discovery of a new technology can ramify into many different industries.

- 新技术的发现可以在许多不同的行业中产生广泛的影响。

12. The debate over the new law began to ramify into national politics.

- 对新法律的争论开始扩展到国家政治层面。

13. The architectural design of the building will ramify into future urban planning.

- 这座建筑的设计将会对未来的城市规划产生影响。

14. His expertise in the field started to ramify into international projects.

- 他在这一领域的专业知识开始扩展到国际项目中。

15. As the virus spreads, its effects will ramify through the population.

- 随着病毒的传播,其影响将会在整个群体中扩展。


上一个 【英语】rabies的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】ramiform的例句



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