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时间: 2024-10-07 22:52:13


Certainly! "Ramiform" means branching like a branch or having a branching structure. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The lightning strike left a ramiform pattern on the tree's trunk.

- 这次雷击在树干上留下了分枝状的痕迹。

2. The coral reef displayed a ramiform growth, spreading in multiple directions.

- 珊瑚礁呈现出分枝生长的形态,向多个方向扩展。

3. The river delta formed a ramiform network of channels as it emptied into the sea.

- 河流三角洲在注入大海时形成了分枝状的河道网络。

4. The lightning's electric discharge created a ramiform pattern in the night sky.

- 闪电的电放电在夜空中形成了分枝状的图案。

5. The artist painted a ramiform tree with delicate attention to its branches.

- 画家绘制了一棵分枝状的树,精细地表现了它的枝条。

6. The nerve cells exhibit a ramiform structure that facilitates signal transmission.

- 神经细胞展示出分枝状的结构,有助于信号传输。

7. Frost on the windowpane formed intricate ramiform patterns.

- 窗玻璃上的霜花形成了复杂的分枝状图案。

8. The lightning bolt left a ramiform scar on the ancient oak tree.

- 闪电在古老的橡树上留下了分枝状的伤痕。

9. The root system of the plant developed a ramiform network underground.

- 植物的根系在地下形成了分枝状的网络。

10. The fractures in the rock displayed a ramiform pattern due to geological processes.

- 岩石中的裂缝由于地质过程形成了分枝状的图案。

11. The artist sketched a ramiform pattern of veins in the leaf.

- 画家勾画出叶子中分枝状的静脉图案。

12. The ancient manuscript depicted a ramiform design along its margins.

- 古老的手稿边缘描绘了分枝状的设计。

13. The lightning's discharge formed a ramiform silhouette against the dark sky.

- 闪电的放电在黑暗的天空中形成了分枝状的轮廓。

14. The satellite image revealed a ramiform system of rivers across the landscape.

- 卫星图像显示出景观中的分枝状河流系统。

15. The company's organizational chart had a ramiform structure, reflecting its decentralized operations.

- 公司的组织结构图呈现出分枝状的结构,反映出其分散化的运营方式。


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