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时间: 2024-10-07 18:50:56


Certainly! 这里有一些关于"remnant"的例句和它们的中文解释:

1. The old factory was demolished, leaving only a remnant of its original structure. (那座旧工厂被拆除了,只剩下少量原始结构的残余。)

2. She found a remnant of fabric in the drawer that matched perfectly with her project. (她在抽屉里找到了一小块完美匹配她项目的布料残余。)

3. The historian studied the remnant of the ancient civilization, piecing together its history from fragments. (历史学家研究了古代文明的残存物,从碎片中拼凑出它的历史。)

4. Despite the storm's fury, a remnant of hope remained among the survivors. (尽管暴风雨猛烈,幸存者中仍存有一线希望的残余。)

5. The last remnant of sunlight disappeared below the horizon. (最后一抹阳光消失在地平线下。)

6. Only a remnant of the original population remained after the war. (战后,原住民中只有一小部分残余。)

7. The old fort is now in ruins, with only a few remnants of walls still standing. (那座古堡如今已是一片废墟,只剩下少量的墙壁残余仍然屹立。)

8. She collected remnants of seashells from her beach walks. (她从海滩散步中收集了一些贝壳的残余。)

9. The remnants of the meal were carefully wrapped up for later. (餐后的残余被小心地包装起来以便以后食用。)

10. Despite being torn, the remnant of the painting revealed its beauty and age. (尽管被撕裂,这幅画的残余仍显现出它的美丽和年代。)

11. The war left a remnant of bitterness in the hearts of the survivors. (战争在幸存者心中留下了一丝苦涩的残余。)

12. He discovered a remnant of the lost city buried deep underground. (他发现了埋藏在地下深处的失落城市的残余。)

13. The last remnants of winter clung to the mountain peaks. (冬季的最后残余仍然依附在山峰上。)

14. The remnants of the fire were still smoldering hours after it was put out. (灭火后数小时,火焰的残余仍在微微冒烟。)

15. The antique dealer specialized in restoring remnants of old furniture. (这位古董商专门修复老家具的残余。)


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