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时间: 2024-09-17 13:38:37


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "reticent" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. She is usually reticent in meetings, preferring to listen rather than speak. (她在会议上通常沉默寡言,更喜欢听而不是说。)

2. The artist remained reticent about her upcoming projects. (那位艺术家对她即将推出的项目保持沉默。)

3. He was reticent about his past achievements, preferring not to boast. (他对自己过去的成就保持沉默,不喜欢自吹自擂。)

4. The company CEO is notoriously reticent in interviews. (这家公司的CEO在采访中以沉默著称。)

5. She remained reticent about the details of the accident. (她对事故的详细情况保持沉默。)

6. He's a reticent person by nature, not one to share personal feelings easily. (他天性沉默寡言,不善于轻易分享个人感受。)

7. The politician was surprisingly reticent when asked about his future plans. (当被问及未来计划时,这位政治家出人意料地保持沉默。)

8. Despite being reticent in public, she was a lively conversationalist among friends. (尽管在公众场合沉默寡言,她在朋友中间却是一个活跃的交谈者。)

9. He's reticent about discussing his family background. (他不愿意讨论自己的家庭背景。)

10. The journalist was frustrated by the CEO's reticence to comment on the company's financial troubles. (记者对公司CEO在评论公司财务困境时的沉默感到失望。)

11. She remained reticent throughout the entire meeting. (她整个会议期间都保持沉默。)

12. The reticent professor surprised everyone with a passionate speech at the conference. (那位沉默寡言的教授在会议上以一篇充满激情的演讲惊艳了所有人。)

13. Despite his reticence, his actions spoke louder than words. (尽管他沉默寡言,但他的行动胜过言辞。)

14. Her reticence to participate in the project was evident from the beginning. (她从一开始就显露出不愿参与该项目的沉默态度。)

15. The actor was surprisingly reticent about discussing his new movie. (这位演员在讨论自己新电影时出人意料地保持沉默。)


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