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时间: 2024-10-06 21:00:11



1. She picked up a strange doodad from the beach. 她在海滩上捡起了一个奇怪的小装置。(doodad 意为小装置或小物件)

2. The mechanic fixed the car with a little doodad he had in his toolbox. 修车工人用他工具箱里的一个小装置修好了汽车。

3. I found a doodad that helps organize cables behind my desk. 我找到了一个可以帮助整理桌子后面电缆的小东西。

4. She likes to collect interesting doodads from flea markets. 她喜欢从跳蚤市场收集有趣的小物件。

5. The new smartphone comes with various doodads like a stylus and a stand. 这款新智能手机配备了各种小配件,如触控笔和支架。

6. He attached a doodad to his keychain that makes it easier to find in his bag. 他把一个小装置挂在钥匙链上,这样更容易在包里找到钥匙。

7. The inventor's latest creation was a complex doodad designed for household use. 发明家的最新创作是一个复杂的小装置,专为家庭使用设计。

8. The children played with the mechanical doodad for hours, fascinated by its movements. 孩子们玩了几个小时那个机械小装置,被它的运动深深吸引。

9. She received a doodad as a souvenir from her trip to Japan. 她从日本旅行回来时收到了一个小装置作为纪念品。

10. The artist used various doodads to decorate the sculpture, adding layers of complexity. 艺术家用各种小装置装饰雕塑,增加了复杂度。

11. The scientist invented a tiny doodad that could detect pollution levels in water. 科学家发明了一个微小的小装置,可以检测水中的污染程度。

12. She bought a doodad for her computer that improves its performance. 她买了一个电脑小装置,可以提升电脑的性能。

13. The magician's trick relied on a hidden doodad inside his sleeve. 魔术师的魔术依赖于他衣袖里的一个隐藏小装置。

14. The company specializes in manufacturing high-tech doodads for medical equipment. 这家公司专门生产医疗设备用的高科技小装置。

15. He found a doodad in the attic that turned out to be a valuable antique. 他在阁楼里找到了一个小装置,结果是一件有价值的古董。

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