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时间: 2024-09-20 01:08:06


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "cavalcade" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The cavalcade of costumed performers paraded through the streets during the festival.

- 节日期间,装扮成各种角色的表演者队伍在街上游行。

2. As the cavalcade approached, excitement built among the spectators lining the route.

- 随着巡游队伍的接近,沿途观众们的兴奋情绪逐渐高涨。

3. The cavalcade of cars stretched for miles along the highway.

- 汽车的长队在公路上绵延数英里。

4. A cavalcade of emotions swept through her as she watched the old photos.

- 她看着那些旧照片时,各种情绪涌上心头。

5. The historical cavalcade depicted scenes from ancient battles.

- 这场历史性的巡游描绘了古代战役的场景。

6. A cavalcade of stars attended the glamorous awards ceremony.

- 一众明星参加了光彩夺目的颁奖典礼。

7. The presidential cavalcade made its way through the city amidst tight security.

- 总统的车队在严密保安措施下穿行于城市中。

8. A cavalcade of thoughts raced through his mind as he made the decision.

- 当他做出决定时,各种想法在他脑海中飞速闪现。

9. The cavalcade of autumn colors painted the landscape in breathtaking hues.

- 秋天色彩斑斓的车轮驾驶着令人叹为观止的风景。

10. The cavalcade of ships arrived at the port, bringing goods from distant lands.

- 船队抵达港口,带来了来自远方的货物。

11. A cavalcade of memories flooded back when he visited his childhood home.

- 当他回到童年的家时,一连串的回忆涌上心头。

12. The cavalcade of protesters marched peacefully down the main avenue.

- 抗议者的游行队伍在主要大道上和平行进。

13. The annual cavalcade of lights signaled the beginning of the holiday season.

- 每年的灯光游行标志着假期季的开始。

14. The cavalcade of problems seemed never-ending during that difficult period.

- 那段困难时期,问题似乎一波未平一波又起。

15. A cavalcade of excuses followed his late arrival to the meeting.

- 他迟到会议后,接连不断地找借口。


上一个 【英语】brigade的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】tonnage的例句



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