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时间: 2024-09-19 11:31:39


Certainly! "Tonnage" refers to the capacity of a ship measured in tons. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The ship's tonnage allowed it to carry over 3,000 containers across the ocean. (这艘船的吨位使其能够在海洋上运载超过3,000个集装箱。)

2. The port authority imposed a limit on the tonnage of ships entering the harbor. (港口管理局对进入港口的船只的吨位设定了限制。)

3. The company upgraded its fleet to vessels with greater tonnage to improve shipping efficiency. (该公司将其舰队升级为吨位更大的船只,以提高运输效率。)

4. The tanker's tonnage made it one of the largest in the world at the time of its launch. (油轮的吨位使其在当时成为世界上最大的之一。)

5. The maritime law requires vessels above a certain tonnage to have specific safety equipment on board. (海事法律要求吨位超过一定标准的船只在船上配备特定的安全设备。)

6. The port charges are based on the tonnage of cargo unloaded from each ship. (港口费用是根据每艘船卸货的货物吨位来计算的。)

7. He was amazed by the sheer tonnage of the cargo being loaded onto the freighter. (他对装载到货轮上的货物的巨大吨位感到震惊。)

8. The regulations specify that vessels of a certain tonnage must undergo regular inspections. (法规规定,特定吨位的船只必须定期接受检查。)

9. The ship's tonnage capacity was insufficient to handle the increased demand for exports. (这艘船的吨位容量不足以应对对出口的增加需求。)

10. The treaty stipulated a reduction in tonnage limits for fishing vessels to protect marine resources. (条约规定减少捕鱼船只吨位限制,以保护海洋资源。)

11. Due to its low tonnage, the yacht was ideal for sailing in shallow waters. (由于其低吨位,这艘游艇非常适合在浅水区航行。)

12. The shipping company invested in larger vessels with higher tonnage to compete globally. (航运公司投资于吨位更大的大型船只,以在全球市场竞争。)

13. The port authority reported an increase in tonnage handled during the last quarter. (港口管理局报告称上个季度处理的吨位有所增加。)

14. The cargo ship's tonnage was crucial in determining its ability to navigate through icy waters. (货船的吨位对确定其在冰冷水域中航行能力至关重要。)

15. The regulation requires vessels exceeding a certain tonnage to be equipped with advanced navigation systems. (法规要求超过一定吨位的船只必须配备先进的导航系统。)


上一个 【英语】cavalcade的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】mileage的例句



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