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时间: 2024-09-17 13:11:58


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "mileage" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. She checked the mileage on the car before purchasing it. (她在购买前检查了汽车的里程。)

2. The high mileage of his truck indicated it had been well-used. (他的卡车高里程表明它已经使用了很多。)

3. This car gets great mileage on the highway. (这辆车在高速公路上油耗很低。)

4. We calculate our expenses based on mileage when we travel for work. (我们出差时按照里程计算费用。)

5. The company reimbursed her for mileage when she used her own car for business trips. (公司报销了她因商务旅行而使用自己车辆的里程费用。)

6. He wanted to know the mileage from the airport to the hotel. (他想知道从机场到酒店的里程。)

7. The mileage on this bike is impressive given its age. (考虑到它的年龄,这辆自行车的里程非常令人印象深刻。)

8. The marathon runner logged high mileage during her training season. (这位马拉松选手在训练季节里跑了很长的距离。)

9. The salesman touted the car's low mileage and excellent condition. (销售员吹嘘这辆车的低里程和良好状态。)

10. He tracked his daily mileage to monitor his fitness progress. (他记录每天的跑步里程以监测他的健身进展。)

11. The efficiency of the new engine greatly improved the car's mileage. (新发动机的效率大大提高了这辆车的油耗表现。)

12. The mileage of the hybrid vehicle was significantly better than that of traditional cars. (混合动力车辆的油耗明显优于传统车辆。)

13. The warranty covers repairs up to a certain mileage limit. (保修涵盖了在特定里程限制内的维修。)

14. They measure the mileage between cities to plan the shortest route. (他们测量城市之间的距离以规划最短的路线。)

15. After years of driving, the car's mileage started to affect its resale value. (多年驾驶后,汽车的里程开始影响其二手价值。)


上一个 【英语】tonnage的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】visage的例句



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