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时间: 2024-09-20 10:10:06



1. The speaker was praised as an encomiast for his moving tribute to the fallen soldiers. (这位演讲者因其对阵亡士兵的感人致敬而被赞誉为赞美者。)

2. He earned a reputation as an encomiast with his eloquent speeches about environmental conservation. (他因其关于环境保护的雄辩演讲而赢得了赞美者的声誉。)

3. The poet was known as an encomiast for his flattering poems dedicated to royalty. (这位诗人以其赞美皇室的谄媚诗歌而闻名于世。)

4. She was regarded as an encomiast due to her tendency to overly praise her friends' achievements. (由于她倾向于过度赞扬朋友的成就,她被视为赞美者。)

5. The historian was criticized for acting more like an encomiast than an impartial scholar in his biography of the politician. (这位历史学家因在他对这位政治家的传记中表现得更像一个赞美者而不是一个公正的学者而受到批评。)

6. As an encomiast, his writings often gloss over the flaws of those he admires. (作为一个赞美者,他的著作经常淡化他所钦佩人物的缺点。)

7. The magazine featured an article by a renowned encomiast praising the philanthropist's charitable contributions. (这本杂志刊登了一篇由著名的赞美者撰写的文章,赞扬了这位慈善家的慈善捐赠。)

8. His role in the documentary was more that of an encomiast than a critical commentator. (在这部纪录片中,他的角色更像是一个赞美者而不是一个批评评论员。)

9. The poet's reputation as an encomiast grew with each glowing review of his latest collection. (这位诗人因他对最新诗集的每一篇赞美评论而声名大噪。)

10. Despite his reputation as an encomiast, he occasionally wrote scathing critiques of political figures. (尽管他以赞美者的身份出名,但他偶尔也会写出尖刻批评政治人物的文章。)

11. The author's tendency to be an encomiast sometimes overshadowed the depth of his literary analysis. (这位作者作为一个赞美者的倾向有时掩盖了他文学分析的深度。)

12. Her career as an encomiast began with her enthusiastic reviews of local artists' exhibitions. (她作为一个赞美者的职业生涯始于她对当地艺术家展览的热情评论。)

13. Critics argued that his biography was too biased, turning him from historian to mere encomiast. (评论家认为他的传记太过偏袒,使他从历史学家变成了一个简单的赞美者。)

14. The orator's reputation as an encomiast was evident from the heartfelt tributes he delivered at the ceremony. (这位演讲家作为一个赞美者的声誉可以从他在仪式上发表的衷心致辞中看出。)

15. As an encomiast, she often found herself defending unpopular opinions to maintain harmony within her social circle. (作为一个赞美者,为了维护社交圈内的和谐,她经常发现自己不得不捍卫不受欢迎的观点。)


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