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时间: 2024-09-20 05:53:35



1. Ballast as Weight in a Ship: The ship needed to add more ballast to improve stability in rough seas. (船只需要增加更多的压舱物以提高在恶劣海况下的稳定性。)

2. Ballast as Counterbalance or Stability: The heavy crates in the truck acted as ballast to prevent swaying on the bumpy road. (卡车中的重箱子起到了压舱物的作用,防止在崎岖的道路上摇摆。)

3. Ballast in Electrical Systems: The ballast in the fluorescent light fixture regulates the electrical current to ensure consistent brightness. (荧光灯具中的镇流器调节电流,确保光线持续稳定。)

4. Figurative Use of Ballast: Her friends provided emotional ballast during a difficult time in her life. (在她人生困难时期,朋友们为她提供了情感支持。)

5. Ballast in Environmental Contexts: Adding rocks and plants to the garden provided ecological ballast, enhancing its stability and biodiversity. (在花园中添加岩石和植物提供了生态平衡,增强了稳定性和生物多样性。)

6. Ballast in Aviation: The plane carried additional ballast to simulate passenger weight during flight tests. (飞机携带额外的压舱物,在飞行测试期间模拟乘客的重量。)

7. Ballast in Railways: Rail cars are equipped with ballast to stabilize tracks and provide proper drainage. (铁路车辆配备压石来稳定轨道并提供适当的排水。)

8. Historical Use of Ballast: Ships used to carry rocks or sand as ballast during empty voyages across the ocean. (船只在空航行穿越大洋时,曾携带岩石或沙子作为压舱物。)

9. Industrial Ballast: Heavy machinery requires ballast to maintain stability and prevent tipping. (重型机械需要压舱物来保持稳定性,防止倾斜。)

10. Ballast in Astronomy: The asteroids in the solar system act as gravitational ballast, influencing the orbits of planets. (太阳系中的小行星充当引力平衡物,影响行星的轨道。)

11. Ballast in High-Speed Trains: High-speed trains use ballast to ensure smooth operation and safety at high speeds. (高速列车使用压石确保在高速运行时平稳和安全。)

12. Ballast in Landscape Architecture: Large sculptures often serve as ballast in park designs, anchoring the aesthetic and functional aspects of the space. (大型雕塑通常在公园设计中充当压舱物,稳固空间的美学和功能方面。)

13. Ballast in Automotive Industry: Vehicles may use liquid ballast to adjust weight distribution for better handling. (汽车可能使用液体压舱物来调整重量分布,以改善操控性能。)

14. Ballast in Energy Conservation: Energy-efficient bulbs incorporate electronic ballasts to reduce power consumption. (节能灯泡采用电子镇流器来减少能耗。)

15. Ballast in Horticulture: Hydroponic systems use ballast to regulate nutrient delivery to plants grown without soil. (水培系统使用压舱物来调节供给植物的营养,这些植物在无土栽培中生长。)


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