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时间: 2024-09-20 01:07:37



1. He fancied himself a great poet, but in reality, he was just a poetaster. (他自以为是一位伟大的诗人,但实际上他只是一个文人而已。)

2. The literary circle dismissed him as a mere poetaster, incapable of profound poetry. (文学界认为他不过是个文人,无法写出深刻的诗作。)

3. His attempts at poetry were nothing more than the work of a poetaster. (他的诗歌尝试只不过是一位文人的作品。)

4. The critic mocked the amateur poet as a poetaster who lacked originality. (评论家嘲笑那位业余诗人是个缺乏独创性的文人。)

5. Despite his pretensions, he was exposed as a poetaster when compared to true poets. (尽管他自命不凡,但与真正的诗人相比,他显然只是个文人而已。)

6. The poetry competition revealed the poetaster's lack of skill and depth. (诗歌比赛揭露了这位文人缺乏技巧和深度。)

7. He was often dismissed as a mere poetaster by serious literary critics. (他常常被严肃的文学评论家视为一个纯粹的文人。)

8. The poetaster's verses lacked the emotional resonance of genuine poetry. (这位文人的诗歌缺乏真正诗歌的情感共鸣。)

9. His attempt to emulate the great poets only highlighted his shortcomings as a poetaster. (他试图效仿伟大的诗人,却只凸显了他作为文人的不足。)

10. Critics accused him of being a poetaster who borrowed heavily from established poets. (评论家指责他是一个模仿大量已有诗人的文人。)

11. His peers dismissed him as a poetaster who lacked originality and depth. (他的同行们认为他是一个缺乏独创性和深度的文人。)

12. The poetaster's attempts at profundity often resulted in unintentional comedy. (这位文人试图表现深刻,却经常导致无意中的喜剧效果。)

13. His critics accused him of being a mere poetaster who imitated rather than created. (他的批评者指责他只是一个模仿而非创造的文人。)

14. The literary world quickly identified him as a poetaster after his first publication. (他的第一次出版后,文学界很快就认定他是一个文人。)

15. The poetaster's work lacked the subtlety and nuance of true poetry. (这位文人的作品缺乏真正诗歌的微妙和细腻。)


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