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时间: 2024-09-20 01:14:40


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "northeastern," along with their Chinese translations:

1. The northeastern region of the country experiences harsh winters.

- 这个国家的东北地区冬季非常严寒。

2. She moved to a small town in the northeastern part of the state.

- 她搬到了这个州东北部的一个小镇。

3. The university is located in a quiet town in the northeastern United States.

- 这所大学位于美国东北部一个宁静的小镇。

4. They are planning a road trip through the northeastern states.

- 他们计划穿越东北部的几个州进行公路旅行。

5. The northeastern coast is known for its picturesque beaches.

- 东北部海岸以其风景如画的海滩而闻名。

6. We took a hike through the northeastern wilderness.

- 我们在东北部的荒野中远足了一番。

7. The northeastern winds brought a cold front to the region.

- 东北风给这个地区带来了一股寒潮。

8. He grew up in a small village in the northeastern part of the country.

- 他在这个国家东北部的一个小村庄长大。

9. The northeastern states often experience heavy snowfall in winter.

- 东北部的几个州冬季经常降大雪。

10. She traveled to the northeastern provinces of China to explore the local culture.

- 她去中国的东北省份探索当地的文化。

11. The northeastern corridor of the city is densely populated.

- 这个城市的东北走廊人口稠密。

12. They set up a research facility in the northeastern part of the continent.

- 他们在大陆的东北部设立了一个研究设施。

13. The northeastern corner of the garden is where the roses bloom best.

- 花园的东北角是玫瑰最盛开的地方。

14. The northeastern states have a rich history of early American settlements.

- 这些东北部的州有着丰富的早期美国定居历史。

15. The northeastern region is known for its vibrant autumn foliage.

- 东北地区以其绚丽多彩的秋叶而闻名。

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