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时间: 2024-09-17 13:48:43


Certainly! "Greenery" refers to lush green plants or foliage. Here are 15 sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The garden was filled with vibrant greenery, from ferns to towering trees. (花园里长满了绿色的植物,从蕨类植物到高大的树木。)

2. In spring, the hillsides are covered with fresh greenery, a sight to behold. (春天,山坡上长满了嫩绿的植物,令人赏心悦目。)

3. The balcony was adorned with pots of greenery, creating a peaceful atmosphere. (阳台上摆放着一些绿色植物的盆栽,营造出宁静的氛围。)

4. The city park is a haven of greenery amidst the urban hustle and bustle. (城市公园是都市喧嚣中的一处绿色避风港。)

5. The hotel lobby was decorated with fresh greenery to welcome guests. (酒店大堂用新鲜的绿色植物装饰,迎接客人的到来。)

6. The painting depicted a lush landscape with abundant greenery. (这幅画描绘了一个郁郁葱葱的景观,绿意盎然。)

7. Walking through the forest, we were surrounded by dense greenery on all sides. (走在森林中,四周都是茂密的绿色植物。)

8. The botanic garden boasts a diverse collection of exotic greenery from around the world. (植物园展示了来自世界各地的多样化异国绿色植物。)

9. The rural landscape was dotted with patches of greenery, giving it a serene charm. (乡村景观点缀着一片片绿色植物,赋予它宁静的魅力。)

10. Herbs and spices added to the greenery of the kitchen garden. (香草和调味料丰富了厨房花园的绿色植被。)

11. The resort is surrounded by lush greenery, providing a tranquil retreat for visitors. (度假村周围绿树成荫,为游客提供了一个宁静的避风港。)

12. The balcony overlooked a courtyard filled with greenery and colorful flowers. (阳台俯瞰着一个绿树成荫、花团锦簇的庭院。)

13. The greenhouse was filled with various types of greenery, thriving under controlled conditions. (温室里种满了各种类型的绿色植物,在受控条件下茁壮成长。)

14. The pathway meandered through dense greenery, creating a picturesque scene. (小路蜿蜒穿过茂密的绿色植物,营造出一幅如画的景象。)

15. The city's commitment to sustainability is reflected in its efforts to increase urban greenery. (城市通过增加城市绿化展现了对可持续发展的承诺。)


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