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时间: 2024-09-17 13:29:53


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with Chinese explanations for the word "bribery":

1. Bribery is a serious offense that can result in severe legal consequences. (贿赂是一种严重的罪行,可能导致严厉的法律后果。)

2. The businessman was arrested for offering a bribe to secure a government contract. (这位商人因为试图贿赂以获得政府合同而被逮捕。)

3. The politician was accused of accepting bribes from several corporations in exchange for political favors. (这位政治家被指控接受几家公司的贿赂,以换取政治好处。)

4. The company's reputation was tarnished after allegations of widespread bribery surfaced. (公司因涉嫌广泛贿赂而声誉受损。)

5. The investigation revealed a network of bribery involving high-ranking officials and business leaders. (调查揭示了涉及高级官员和商界领袖的贿赂网络。)

6. He refused to participate in the corrupt bribery scheme, despite pressure from his colleagues. (尽管同事们施加压力,他拒绝参与腐败的贿赂计划。)

7. The government implemented strict measures to combat bribery and corruption within its ranks. (政府实施了严格的措施来打击其内部的贿赂和腐败行为。)

8. Transparency International ranks countries based on their perceived levels of bribery and corruption. (透明国际根据各国被认为的贿赂和腐败水平对其进行排名。)

9. The organization has a zero-tolerance policy towards bribery among its employees. (该组织对其员工之间的贿赂行为采取零容忍政策。)

10. He was dismissed from his position after being caught accepting bribes from contractors. (他因为被发现接受承包商的贿赂而被解雇。)

11. The anti-corruption agency vowed to root out bribery at all levels of government. (反贪机构誓言根除政府各级的贿赂行为。)

12. The businessman attempted to evade prosecution for bribery by fleeing the country. (这位商人试图通过逃离国家来逃避因贿赂而被起诉。)

13. She was offered a bribe to influence her decision, but she promptly reported it to authorities. (有人试图贿赂她以影响她的决定,但她立即向当局报告了此事。)

14. The judge was found guilty of bribery and sentenced to ten years in prison. (法官因贿赂罪名被判有罪,并判处十年监禁。)

15. International organizations provide assistance to countries aiming to reduce bribery and improve governance. (国际组织为那些希望减少贿赂并改善治理的国家提供援助。)


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