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时间: 2024-09-29 02:52:36


Certainly! "Grotesque" can be used to describe something that is bizarre, distorted, or strange in an unsettling way. Here are 15 sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The novel described a grotesque creature that haunted the protagonist's dreams. (小说描述了一个怪诞的生物,它在主人公的梦中出现。)

2. The building's architecture was a grotesque mix of styles, with mismatched columns and oddly shaped windows. (建筑的风格混合了怪异的元素,柱子不搭调,窗户形状奇怪。)

3. Her painting depicted a grotesque scene of distorted figures and surreal landscapes. (她的画作描绘了扭曲的人物和超现实的景观,十分怪异。)

4. The comedian's jokes were often grotesque, pushing the boundaries of good taste. (那位喜剧演员的笑话常常是怪异的,挑战着良好品味的界限。)

5. In the old museum, there were grotesque masks from ancient civilizations that were both fascinating and eerie. (在古老的博物馆里,展出了古代文明的怪诞面具,既迷人又令人不安。)

6. The play featured a grotesque character with exaggerated makeup and outlandish costumes. (那部戏剧中有一个怪异的角色,化了浓妆,穿着古怪的服装。)

7. The horror movie was filled with grotesque creatures that haunted the protagonists throughout the story. (这部恐怖电影中充满了怪诞的生物,困扰着整个故事的主角。)

8. His sense of humor was so twisted that it often bordered on the grotesque. (他的幽默感如此扭曲,经常接近怪异的边缘。)

9. The novel's plot took a grotesque turn when the protagonist discovered the truth about her family's dark history. (小说的情节在主人公发现家族黑暗历史的真相时变得怪异起来。)

10. The artist's sculptures were known for their grotesque shapes and unsettling expressions. (这位艺术家的雕塑因其怪异的形状和令人不安的表情而闻名。)

11. The old castle was filled with grotesque gargoyles that seemed to come alive in the moonlight. (古堡里有许多怪异的石像,月光下它们仿佛活了过来。)

12. The novel's protagonist encountered a grotesque apparition that haunted the abandoned mansion. (小说的主人公遇到了一个怪异的幽灵,它在废弃的大宅中出现。)

13. The artist's paintings were a collection of grotesque images that challenged viewers' perceptions of beauty. (这位艺术家的画作是一系列怪异的图像,挑战了观众对美的理解。)

14. The movie director was known for his use of grotesque imagery to create a sense of unease in his audience. (这位电影导演以使用怪异的图像来在观众中营造一种不安的感觉而闻名。)

15. The carnival was a parade of grotesque costumes and bizarre performances that delighted and disturbed spectators. (那个嘉年华是一场怪诞服装和奇异表演的盛会,让观众既喜悦又困扰。)

These sentences illustrate different contexts in which "grotesque" can be used to describe something strange, bizarre, or unsettling.

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