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时间: 2024-09-29 02:56:10


1. She is known to be quite the coquette, flirting shamelessly with every man she meets. (她以轻佻著称,与每个她遇见的男人都毫不掩饰地调情。)

2. Despite her reputation as a coquette, she genuinely cared for him and his feelings. (尽管她有轻佻的名声,但她真正关心他和他的感受。)

3. The novel's heroine was a coquette who played with the hearts of several suitors. (小说中的女主角是一个轻佻的女人,玩弄了几个追求者的心。)

4. He found her coquettish behavior charming yet somewhat disconcerting. (他觉得她的媚态迷人,但有些让人不安。)

5. She possessed a natural coquetry that made her the center of attention wherever she went. (她天生的媚态使得她无论走到哪里都成为了焦点。)

6. The coquette enjoyed the thrill of seduction but never intended to cause harm. (轻佻的女人喜欢诱惑的刺激,但从未打算伤害别人。)

7. Her coquettish smile and playful mannerisms drew everyone's admiration. (她媚态的微笑和俏皮的举止吸引了所有人的赞赏。)

8. The coquette's flirtations were harmless and meant purely in jest. (轻佻女子的调情是无害的,纯属打趣。)

9. Despite her coquetry, she was a woman of substance with deep convictions. (尽管她媚态十足,但她是一个有深刻信念的女人。)

10. The young actress played the role of a coquette with finesse and elegance. (年轻女演员把轻佻女子的角色演得十分娴熟和优雅。)

11. He was captivated by her coquette's charm but wary of her unpredictable nature. (他被她轻佻的魅力所吸引,但对她不可预测的天性持谨慎态度。)

12. The coquette's behavior caused a stir among the guests at the party. (轻佻女子的行为在派对上引起了轰动。)

13. She adopted a coquettish tone to tease him playfully. (她采取媚态的语调调戏他,玩笑式地挑逗。)

14. Despite her coquettish mannerisms, she was remarkably intelligent and perceptive. (尽管她媚态十足,但她异常聪明和敏锐。)

15. Her reputation as a coquette often overshadowed her genuine kindness and generosity. (她作为一个轻佻女子的名声经常掩盖了她真诚的善良和慷慨。)

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