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时间: 2024-09-29 02:54:42


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "gaiety," along with their Chinese translations:

1. The festival was filled with music, dancing, and a sense of gaiety. (节日充满了音乐、舞蹈和快乐的氛围。)

2. Her infectious laughter spread a feeling of gaiety throughout the room. (她的欢笑在房间里传播着快乐的气氛。)

3. Despite the rain, there was an air of gaiety at the wedding reception. (尽管下着雨,婚礼宴会上仍然充满了快乐的氛围。)

4. The children's playground echoed with the sounds of gaiety and excitement. (儿童游乐场回荡着快乐和兴奋的声音。)

5. The comedy show brought much-needed gaiety to the audience after a long week. (这场喜剧表演为观众带来了一周劳累后所需的快乐。)

6. The vibrant decorations added to the gaiety of the carnival atmosphere. (生动的装饰增添了狂欢气氛的快乐感。)

7. His jokes and lively anecdotes contributed greatly to the evening's gaiety. (他的笑话和生动的轶事大大增添了晚上的快乐氛围。)

8. The small village was known for its warmth and gaiety during the holiday season. (这个小村庄以假日季节的温暖和快乐而闻名。)

9. The play captured the essence of Victorian gaiety with its colorful costumes and lively dances. (这部戏剧通过丰富多彩的服装和活泼的舞蹈捕捉了维多利亚时代的快乐精神。)

10. A sense of gaiety filled the room as friends gathered to celebrate their reunion. (朋友们聚在一起庆祝团聚,屋子里弥漫着快乐的氛围。)

11. The seaside town was alive with the sounds of laughter and gaiety during the summer festival. (夏日节日期间,海滨小镇充满了笑声和快乐的声音。)

12. The old photographs captured the spirit of 1920s gaiety and glamour. (这些老照片捕捉到了20世纪20年代的快乐和魅力。)

13. The New Year's Eve party was a night of gaiety and celebration. (除夕派对是一个充满快乐和庆祝的夜晚。)

14. The annual parade brought a sense of gaiety to the city streets. (每年的游行给城市街道带来了一种快乐感。)

15. Despite the challenges they faced, their friendship was marked by moments of laughter and gaiety. (尽管面临挑战,他们的友谊始终伴随着笑声和快乐。)


上一个 【英语】novelette的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】satiety的例句



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