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时间: 2024-09-17 13:29:24


Sure, here are 15 sentences using "forgetful" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. She's so forgetful that she often leaves her keys at home. 她很健忘,经常把钥匙忘在家里。

2. Grandpa has become more forgetful as he's gotten older. 爷爷年纪大了,记性变差了。

3. I'm sorry I didn't call you back sooner; I'm just a bit forgetful sometimes. 对不起,我没能及时回电话,有时候我有点健忘。

4. Her forgetfulness sometimes leads to awkward situations. 她的健忘有时会导致尴尬的局面。

5. The forgetful professor often misplaced his glasses. 这位健忘的教授经常把眼镜弄丢。

6. Being forgetful can be frustrating, especially when you can't remember important details. 健忘会很令人沮丧,尤其是在记不住重要细节时。

7. He was known among his friends for his absentminded and forgetful nature. 他在朋友中以心不在焉和健忘著称。

8. Don't worry if you're a little forgetful sometimes; it happens to everyone. 如果你有时候有点健忘,不要担心,每个人都会这样。

9. Her forgetfulness about deadlines caused her to miss several important assignments. 她对截止日期的健忘导致她错过了几个重要的作业。

10. Despite being forgetful, he had a knack for remembering people's birthdays. 尽管健忘,他却很擅长记住人们的生日。

11. The forgetful actor often improvised his lines during performances. 这位健忘的演员经常在表演中即兴发挥台词。

12. His forgetfulness didn't affect his ability to excel in his job. 他的健忘并没有影响他在工作中的出色表现。

13. Age can contribute to becoming more forgetful over time. 年龄增长会导致记忆力逐渐减退。

14. The company implemented reminders to help employees who were forgetful with meeting times. 公司实施了提醒措施,帮助那些在会议时间上有健忘问题的员工。

15. She laughed off her own forgetfulness, saying it was just a sign of a busy life. 她对自己的健忘一笑置之,说这只是忙碌生活的表现。


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