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时间: 2024-09-29 00:52:53



1. His vitriolic criticism of the government drew strong reactions from both supporters and critics. (他对政府的尖刻批评引起了支持者和批评者的强烈反应。)

2. She unleashed a vitriolic attack on her opponent during the debate. (在辩论中,她对对手进行了尖刻的攻击。)

3. The article was filled with vitriolic comments about the author's work. (这篇文章充满了对作者工作的刻薄评论。)

4. He couldn't resist making a vitriolic remark about her appearance. (他忍不住对她的外貌发表了尖刻的评语。)

5. The online discussion turned vitriolic as participants began insulting each other. (随着参与者开始互相侮辱,这场网络讨论变得尖刻起来。)

6. Despite their political differences, they managed to avoid descending into vitriolic arguments. (尽管他们在政治上存在分歧,他们设法避免陷入尖刻的争论。)

7. His vitriolic tone alienated many potential supporters. (他尖刻的语气使许多潜在的支持者感到疏远。)

8. The comedian's vitriolic humor often crossed the line into offensiveness. (这位喜剧演员的尖刻幽默经常越过了冒犯的界限。)

9. The debate took a vitriolic turn when personal accusations were hurled. (当涉及到个人指控时,辩论变得尖刻起来。)

10. Her vitriolic outburst surprised everyone in the room. (她的尖刻爆发让房间里的每个人都感到吃惊。)

11. The critic's vitriolic review left the artist feeling demoralized. (评论家尖刻的评论让艺术家感到士气低落。)

12. Despite their vitriolic exchanges, they managed to find common ground on a few issues. (尽管他们进行了尖刻的交流,他们设法在几个问题上找到了共同点。)

13. The forum moderators intervened to stop the vitriolic debate from escalating further. (论坛的版主介入以阻止尖刻的辩论进一步升级。)

14. His vitriolic attitude towards his colleagues hindered teamwork in the office. (他对同事们的尖刻态度阻碍了办公室的团队合作。)

15. The politician's vitriolic rhetoric was seen as divisive rather than unifying. (政治家的尖刻言辞被视为分裂而非统一。)


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