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时间: 2024-09-29 00:45:02


Certainly! "Prosaic" means dull, ordinary, lacking excitement or imagination. Here are 15 sentences demonstrating its usage with Chinese explanations:

1. His prose style was so prosaic that it put me to sleep. (他的散文风格非常平淡,让我感到昏昏欲睡。)

2. The movie was a prosaic attempt at capturing the magic of the original novel. (这部电影试图捕捉原著小说的魔力,但结果却平淡无奇。)

3. She had a prosaic job, doing the same routine tasks every day. (她的工作很平淡,每天做着相同的例行任务。)

4. The town's architecture was prosaic, lacking any distinctive features. (这个城镇的建筑很普通,缺乏任何独特的特点。)

5. His speeches were typically prosaic, lacking passion or inspiration. (他的演讲通常很乏味,缺乏激情或灵感。)

6. The poet's latest collection was criticized for its prosaic language and lack of poetic flair. (这位诗人最新的诗集因其平淡的语言和缺乏诗意的风格而受到批评。)

7. Their daily routine had become prosaic, with no surprises or excitement. (他们的日常生活变得枯燥乏味,没有任何惊喜或兴奋。)

8. The novel started promisingly but soon became prosaic and predictable. (这部小说开始很有潜力,但很快变得平淡无奇和老套。)

9. Her prose was so prosaic that it failed to evoke any emotional response from the readers. (她的散文如此平淡,以至于未能引起读者的任何情感反应。)

10. The company's annual report was filled with prosaic details about financial performance. (公司的年度报告充斥着关于财务表现的平淡细节。)

11. Despite traveling to exotic locations, his travel blog was surprisingly prosaic. (尽管到了异国情调的地方,他的旅行博客令人惊讶地平淡无奇。)

12. The poet preferred to write in a prosaic style, avoiding lofty language. (这位诗人更喜欢用平淡无奇的风格写作,避免使用高妙的语言。)

13. The new restaurant's decor was prosaic, lacking the artistic touch found in other eateries. (这家新餐馆的装饰很平淡,缺乏其他餐馆常见的艺术氛围。)

14. The professor's lecture was informative but delivered in a rather prosaic manner. (教授的讲座内容丰富,但传授方式颇为平淡。)

15. His writing style was criticized as too prosaic for a novel intended to capture the reader's imagination. (他的写作风格因为对于旨在激发读者想象力的小说而言过于平淡而受到批评。)


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