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时间: 2024-09-29 00:57:14



1. She was diagnosed with psychotic depression after experiencing hallucinations and delusions. (她在经历幻觉和妄想后被诊断为精神病性抑郁症。)

2. The patient exhibited psychotic behavior, talking to imaginary people and believing he had superpowers. (这位病人表现出精神病性行为,与虚构的人交谈并相信自己拥有超能力。)

3. Medication is often prescribed to manage psychotic symptoms such as paranoia and disorganized thinking. (通常会开药来管理精神病性症状,如偏执和思维紊乱。)

4. He was hospitalized during a psychotic episode triggered by extreme stress. (他因极端压力引发的精神病性发作而住院。)

5. Psychotic disorders can severely impair a person's ability to perceive reality accurately. (精神病性障碍可以严重损害一个人准确感知现实的能力。)

6. The film depicted a character's descent into psychotic madness with chilling realism. (这部电影以令人不寒而栗的现实主义描绘了一个角色堕入精神病性疯狂。)

7. Treatment strategies include therapy and medication tailored to the individual's psychotic symptoms. (治疗策略包括根据个体的精神病性症状量身定制的治疗和药物。)

8. Psychotic episodes can be triggered by substance abuse or severe emotional trauma. (精神病性发作可能由物质滥用或严重的情绪创伤引发。)

9. The psychiatrist noted a pattern of psychotic features in the patient's family history. (精神科医生注意到病人家族史中精神病性特征的一贯存在。)

10. People with psychotic disorders may require long-term support and treatment to manage their symptoms effectively. (患有精神病性障碍的人可能需要长期支持和治疗,以有效管理他们的症状。)

11. The novel explores the protagonist's struggle with a psychotic break and subsequent recovery. (这部小说探讨了主人公在精神崩溃和随后康复中的斗争。)

12. The court ordered psychiatric evaluation after the defendant exhibited psychotic behavior during the trial. (法庭在被告在审判期间表现出精神病性行为后下令进行精神病评估。)

13. Early intervention is crucial in managing psychotic disorders to prevent further deterioration. (早期干预在管理精神病性障碍中至关重要,以防止进一步恶化。)

14. She described feeling detached from reality during her psychotic episode, unable to trust her own perceptions. (她在精神病性发作期间描述感觉与现实脱节,无法信任自己的感知。)

15. Understanding the underlying causes of psychotic symptoms is essential for effective treatment planning. (理解精神病性症状的潜在原因对于有效的治疗计划至关重要。)


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