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时间: 2024-09-29 00:42:08


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "mimic," along with their Chinese translations:

1. He could mimic almost any accent perfectly.

- 他能够完美地模仿几乎任何口音。

2. The parrot learned to mimic the sound of the doorbell.

- 鹦鹉学会了模仿门铃的声音。

3. Her ability to mimic her favorite singer impressed everyone at the party.

- 她能模仿她最喜欢的歌手,让派对上的每个人都印象深刻。

4. The software can mimic human speech patterns with remarkable accuracy.

- 这款软件能以非常高的准确度模仿人类的语音模式。

5. The spy was trained to mimic different personas to avoid detection.

- 间谍接受了训练,以模仿不同的角色来避免被发现。

6. Certain insects mimic leaves to hide from predators.

- 某些昆虫模仿树叶,以躲避捕食者。

7. The artist's painting perfectly mimics the style of the old masters.

- 画家的画作完美地模仿了古代大师的风格。

8. Children often mimic their parents' behavior.

- 孩子们常常模仿他们父母的行为。

9. The comedian could mimic famous politicians and actors.

- 这位喜剧演员能够模仿著名的政治家和演员。

10. Dolphins are known for their ability to mimic sounds and actions.

- 海豚以能够模仿声音和动作而著称。

11. Some viruses mimic normal cellular functions to evade the immune system.

- 一些病毒通过模仿正常的细胞功能来逃避免疫系统的攻击。

12. The fashion industry often mimics trends from past decades.

- 时尚界经常模仿过去几十年的潮流。

13. The robotic arm was designed to mimic the precise movements of a human hand.

- 这只机械臂被设计成能够模仿人手的精确运动。

14. Some animals mimic dangerous species to deter predators.

- 一些动物模仿危险的物种来吓阻捕食者。

15. The actor's ability to mimic famous historical figures was uncanny.

- 这位演员能够惟妙惟肖地模仿著名的历史人物。


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