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时间: 2024-09-29 00:53:12


Certainly! "Soporific" is an adjective that means inducing sleep or drowsiness. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The movie's soporific soundtrack and dim lighting lulled the audience into a peaceful slumber. (电影的催眠般的配乐和昏暗的灯光让观众进入了宁静的睡眠状态。)

2. The lecturer's soporific voice made it difficult to stay awake during the class. (讲师催眠般的声音让人在课堂上难以保持清醒。)

3. The warm, soporific breeze wafted through the open window, inviting an afternoon nap. (温暖、催眠般的微风从敞开的窗户中飘进来,邀请人们午后小憩。)

4. Taking a warm bath before bed can have a soporific effect, helping you fall asleep faster. (睡前洗个热水澡能产生催眠效果,帮助你更快入睡。)

5. The soporific medication prescribed by the doctor ensured a peaceful night's sleep. (医生开的催眠药确保了一个平静的夜晚睡眠。)

6. The repetitive nature of the task had a soporific effect on the workers, causing them to yawn frequently. (任务的重复性对工人们产生了催眠效果,导致他们频繁打哈欠。)

7. The soporific qualities of chamomile tea are well-known for promoting relaxation before bedtime. (甘菊茶的催眠特性以促进睡前放松而闻名。)

8. The soporific atmosphere of the library, with its soft lighting and quiet ambiance, encouraged deep concentration. (图书馆的催眠氛围,柔和的灯光和安静的氛围,促进了深度集中。)

9. The soporific effects of jet lag made it challenging to adjust to the new time zone. (时差的催眠效果使得调整到新的时区变得具有挑战性。)

10. The soporific rhythm of the train's motion rocked the passengers gently to sleep. (火车轻柔的催眠节奏使乘客们渐渐入睡。)

11. Reading a soporific novel before bedtime helped calm her mind after a long day. (睡前读一本催眠小说有助于在漫长的一天之后平静心情。)

12. The soporific effects of warm milk are often recommended as a natural remedy for insomnia. (温牛奶的催眠效果通常被推荐作为治疗失眠的自然方法。)

13. The soporific qualities of lavender oil in the bedroom created a soothing atmosphere conducive to sleep. (卧室里薰衣草油的催眠特性营造出有助于睡眠的舒缓氛围。)

14. The soporific lullaby sung by the babysitter quickly lulled the child to sleep. (保姆唱的催眠摇篮曲迅速让孩子入睡。)

15. The soporific effects of the medication were evident as the patient drifted off peacefully. (药物的催眠效果显而易见,病人平静地进入了梦乡。)

These sentences illustrate various contexts in which "soporific" can be used, describing situations or substances that induce sleepiness or drowsiness.

上一个 【英语】stoic的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】psychedelic的例句



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