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时间: 2024-09-20 08:09:58


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "vaseline" with Chinese explanations:

1. I applied vaseline to my lips to prevent them from getting chapped in the cold weather. (我涂了凡士林在嘴唇上,防止它们在寒冷的天气中变干裂。)

2. The doctor recommended using vaseline to soothe the dry patches on my skin. (医生建议使用凡士林来舒缓我皮肤上的干燥区域。)

3. She used vaseline to help remove her eye makeup gently. (她用凡士林温和地卸妆。)

4. Athletes often use vaseline to prevent chafing during long runs. (运动员经常使用凡士林来防止长时间跑步时的擦伤。)

5. The nurse applied vaseline to the patient's wound to keep it moist for faster healing. (护士给病人的伤口涂抹凡士林,以保持湿润,加快愈合。)

6. He used vaseline as a lubricant for the bicycle chain. (他用凡士林作为自行车链条的润滑剂。)

7. Before going to bed, she applied vaseline to her feet and wore socks to soften her heels. (睡前,她在脚上涂抹凡士林并穿上袜子软化脚后跟。)

8. The makeup artist used vaseline to create a glossy effect on the model's eyelids. (化妆师使用凡士林在模特的眼皮上制造出光泽效果。)

9. Vaseline can be used as a barrier to protect the skin from hair dye stains. (凡士林可以用作屏障,保护皮肤免受染发剂的染色。)

10. After shaving, he applied vaseline to soothe irritation on his sensitive skin. (刮完胡须后,他涂抹凡士林来缓解敏感皮肤的刺激。)

11. The mechanic used vaseline to lubricate the car's rubber seals. (汽车修理工使用凡士林来润滑汽车的橡胶密封件。)

12. Vaseline is often used in first aid kits to protect minor cuts and burns. (凡士林常用于急救包中,保护轻微的割伤和烧伤。)

13. She applied vaseline to her eyebrows to keep them neat and in place. (她在眉毛上涂抹凡士林,使其整齐并固定在原位。)

14. Before dyeing her hair at home, she applied vaseline along her hairline to prevent staining her skin. (在家染发前,她沿着发际线涂抹凡士林,以防染色到皮肤上。)

15. The beautician used vaseline to protect the client's skin during a chemical peel treatment. (美容师在化学剥脱治疗期间使用凡士林保护客人的皮肤。)

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