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时间: 2024-09-20 01:10:22


Certainly! 这里有关于“filling”的15个例句及其中文解释:

1. The sandwich was packed with a generous filling of tuna and mayonnaise.(三明治里面填满了大块的金枪鱼和蛋黄酱。)

2. She ordered a pie with a delicious apple filling.(她点了一个里面装满了美味苹果馅的派。)

3. The dentist applied a temporary filling to the cavity in her tooth.(牙医给她的牙齿上的洞填了一层临时充填物。)

4. He felt a filling of satisfaction after completing the project.(完成项目后,他感到一种满足感。)

5. The reservoir is filling quickly after the heavy rainfall.(水库在大雨之后迅速充满。)

6. She is filling in for her colleague while they are on vacation.(她在同事度假期间代班。)

7. Please fill out this form with your personal details.(请填写这张表格,写上你的个人信息。)

8. He enjoys filling his spare time with reading and gardening.(他喜欢用阅读和园艺来填补空闲时间。)

9. The news report filled her with dread.(新闻报道让她充满了恐惧。)

10. The musician filled the auditorium with beautiful melodies.(音乐家用美妙的旋律充满了礼堂。)

11. She bought a pillow with a filling that was hypoallergenic.(她买了一个里面填充了无过敏原的枕头。)

12. The company is currently filling orders for the new product.(公司正在处理新产品的订单。)

13. The comedian's jokes filled the room with laughter.(喜剧演员的笑话让整个房间充满了笑声。)

14. The lecture filled in the gaps in our understanding of the theory.(讲座填补了我们对这个理论理解上的空白。)

15. The balloons filled up with helium and floated to the ceiling.(氦气球充满了氦气,漂浮到了天花板上。)


上一个 【英语】flooring的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】legging的例句



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