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时间: 2024-09-17 14:03:48


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "footing" with their Chinese translations:

1. He slipped on the wet pavement and struggled to find his footing.

- 他在湿滑的人行道上滑倒了,艰难地找到了站稳的姿势。

2. The two teams are on equal footing going into the final game of the season.

- 两支球队在赛季最后一场比赛前处于同等的竞争地位。

3. The company is looking to establish a solid financial footing before expanding.

- 公司希望在扩展之前确立稳固的财务基础。

4. We need to negotiate from a position of strength to ensure we're on equal footing with our competitors.

- 我们需要从强势地位谈判,以确保与竞争对手处于同等的竞争地位。

5. The new manager quickly found her footing and began implementing changes.

- 新经理很快找到了自己的步调,并开始实施改变。

6. The company is struggling to find its financial footing after a series of setbacks.

- 公司在一连串挫折之后正在努力找到财务上的稳固基础。

7. The political parties are trying to find common footing on the issue of immigration.

- 政党们试图在移民问题上找到共同的立场。

8. After the earthquake, the community rallied together to help each other regain their footing.

- 地震过后,社区团结起来互相帮助,重新站稳脚跟。

9. The artist experimented with different mediums until she found her artistic footing.

- 艺术家通过尝试不同的媒介,最终找到了自己的艺术风格。

10. The business partnership started off on shaky footing but eventually became successful.

- 商业伙伴关系起初不稳定,但最终取得了成功。

11. The new law puts the company on legal footing to proceed with the project.

- 新法律使公司在法律上有了继续进行项目的基础。

12. With careful planning, they were able to put their finances on a more stable footing.

- 经过精心规划,他们成功地使自己的财务更加稳固。

13. The team's captain helped steady the players' footing during the tense final minutes of the match.

- 在比赛最后紧张的几分钟内,队长帮助稳定了球员们的站位。

14. The negotiations started on a positive footing, with both parties optimistic about reaching an agreement.

- 谈判以积极的态势开始,双方对达成协议持乐观态度。

15. The project was launched on a solid financial footing, ensuring its sustainability.

- 项目在稳固的财务基础上启动,确保其可持续性。

上一个 【英语】legging的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】shoemaking的例句



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