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时间: 2024-09-13 12:17:36


Certainly! "Concision" refers to the quality of being concise or brief in expression. Here are 15 sentences demonstrating the use of "concision" with Chinese explanations:

1. The editor praised the writer's concision in delivering complex ideas in just a few sentences.(编辑称赞作者在几句话中传达复杂思想的简明扼要。)

2. His speeches were marked by clarity and concision, making them highly effective.(他的演讲以清晰和简明著称,因此非常有效。)

3. The professor's lectures are known for their concision, covering vast topics succinctly.(教授的讲座因其简明扼要而著称,能够简洁地涵盖广泛的话题。)

4. The author's style is characterized by its concision and precise use of language.(这位作家的风格以简洁和语言的精确运用为特征。)

5. In legal writing, concision is valued as it reduces ambiguity and ensures clarity.(在法律写作中,重视简明扼要可以减少歧义,确保清晰度。)

6. The executive summary was praised for its concision, capturing the essence of the proposal succinctly.(这份执行摘要因其简洁扼要,简洁地捕捉了提案的要点而受到赞扬。)

7. The artist's paintings are admired for their concision, conveying deep emotions with minimal brushstrokes.(艺术家的画作因其简洁而受到赞赏,用最少的笔触传达深刻的情感。)

8. Good journalism values concision in reporting to deliver information efficiently.(良好的新闻报道重视简洁扼要,以高效地传递信息。)

9. The CEO's communication style is known for its concision and directness, which keeps meetings productive.(CEO的沟通风格以简洁和直接而著称,有助于保持会议的高效性。)

10. Technical manuals require concision to ensure that instructions are clear and easily understandable.(技术手册需要简明扼要,以确保指示清晰易懂。)

11. The journalist's concise reporting exemplifies the importance of concision in modern media.(记者的简洁报道是简明扼要在现代媒体中重要性的一个典范。)

12. The poet's concision in writing haikus captures moments of beauty in just a few words.(诗人在写作俳句时的简明扼要,用几个字捕捉到了美的瞬间。)

13. Effective public speaking requires a balance of concision and engaging content.(有效的公共演讲需要简洁和引人入胜的内容的平衡。)

14. The architect's design philosophy emphasizes concision, focusing on functionality and elegance.(建筑师的设计理念强调简洁,注重功能性和优雅。)

15. The textbook's concision makes it a popular choice among students for its clarity and easy comprehension.(这本教科书因其简洁而备受学生欢迎,因为它清晰易懂。)


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