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时间: 2024-09-10 04:47:14



1. He entertained us with his waggish sense of humor throughout the evening. (他整晚通过他风趣的幽默感让我们开心。)

2. The comedian's waggish antics kept the audience laughing non-stop. (喜剧演员的滑稽举动让观众笑个不停。)

3. Despite the serious topic, she injected a waggish remark that lightened the mood. (尽管话题严肃,她说了一个风趣的评论,缓和了气氛。)

4. His waggish behavior often gets him into trouble. (他那顽皮的行为经常让他惹上麻烦。)

5. The cartoonist is known for his waggish drawings that poke fun at everyday life. (这位漫画家以他调侃日常生活的幽默画作而闻名。)

6. The professor surprised everyone with a waggish remark during his lecture. (这位教授在讲课中用一句风趣的话语让所有人大吃一惊。)

7. His waggish grin suggested he was up to something mischievous. (他那调皮的笑容暗示着他在策划些淘气的事情。)

8. The novel is filled with waggish characters who constantly engage in playful banter. (这部小说里塞满了不断开玩笑的风趣人物。)

9. Despite his waggish exterior, he had a serious side that few people saw. (尽管表面上他很风趣,但其实他也有很严肃的一面,很少人见到。)

10. Her waggish wit made her a popular guest at social gatherings. (她那幽默的智慧让她成为社交聚会上备受欢迎的客人。)

11. The children couldn't resist the waggish charm of their new babysitter. (孩子们无法抗拒他们新保姆那顽皮的魅力。)

12. He enjoys playing practical jokes on his friends, showing his waggish nature. (他喜欢对朋友们搞恶作剧,展现出他那风趣的本性。)

13. Despite the serious setting, his waggish commentary lightened the mood. (尽管环境严肃,他那风趣的评论缓和了气氛。)

14. The comedian's waggish delivery of jokes had the audience roaring with laughter. (喜剧演员诙谐的讲述方式让观众笑声连连。)

15. His waggish personality endeared him to everyone he met. (他那顽皮的个性让他赢得了他遇到的每个人的喜爱。)


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