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时间: 2024-09-17 13:23:50



1. He felt sluggish after staying up all night studying. (他熬夜学习后感到非常疲惫。)

2. The economy showed sluggish growth in the first quarter. (经济在第一季度显示出缓慢的增长。)

3. The car's engine responded sluggishly in the cold weather. (车子的引擎在寒冷的天气中反应迟缓。)

4. She could only manage a sluggish jog after the long illness. (她在长期病后只能勉强慢跑。)

5. The computer was running sluggish because of too many open applications. (由于打开了太多应用程序,电脑运行缓慢。)

6. Sales of the new product were sluggish due to poor marketing. (由于营销不力,新产品的销售疲软。)

7. The sluggish river flowed silently through the countryside. (迟缓的河水在乡间静静地流淌。)

8. His sluggish movements indicated he hadn't fully recovered from the illness. (他迟缓的动作表明他还没有完全从疾病中恢复。)

9. After the heavy meal, she felt sluggish and tired. (大餐后,她感到身体迟缓和疲倦。)

10. The tortoise moved in a sluggish manner across the road. (乌龟在路上迟缓地移动。)

11. The old refrigerator had become sluggish and wasn't cooling properly. (旧冰箱变得迟缓,无法正常冷却。)

12. Their response to the crisis was sluggish and inadequate. (他们对危机的反应迟缓且不足。)

13. The team's performance in the first half was sluggish, but they improved in the second. (球队上半场的表现迟缓,但下半场有所改善。)

14. The cat's sluggish behavior suggested it was unwell. (猫的迟缓行为表明它身体不适。)

15. Despite their sluggish start, they managed to finish the project on time. (尽管起步缓慢,他们还是成功地按时完成了项目。)


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