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时间: 2024-09-19 11:49:34



1. He gave a churlish reply to her greeting, which hurt her feelings. (他对她的问候给出了粗鲁的回答,这伤害了她的感情。)

2. The customer was churlish to the waiter, despite his attempts to be helpful. (尽管服务员试图帮助,但顾客对他很粗鲁。)

3. She regretted her churlish behavior after realizing how rude she had been. (她意识到自己的粗鲁行为后感到后悔。)

4. His churlish refusal to listen to others' opinions led to misunderstandings. (他不愿意听取他人意见的粗鲁拒绝导致了误解。)

5. The politician's churlish remarks offended many of his colleagues. (政治家粗鲁的言论冒犯了许多同事。)

6. Despite his wealth, he had a churlish attitude towards those less fortunate. (尽管他很富有,但他对那些不那么幸运的人表现出粗鲁的态度。)

7. She dismissed his churlish behavior as a result of stress. (她认为他的粗鲁行为是压力造成的结果。)

8. His churlish refusal to apologize only exacerbated the situation. (他不愿道歉的粗鲁态度只是加剧了局势。)

9. The child's churlish behavior at the party embarrassed his parents. (孩子在派对上的粗鲁行为让他的父母感到尴尬。)

10. Despite the criticism, she maintained a churlish silence throughout the meeting. (尽管受到批评,她在整个会议期间保持沉默。)

11. His churlish demeanor made it difficult for others to approach him. (他粗鲁的举止使得别人很难接近他。)

12. The coach's churlish treatment of the players undermined team morale. (教练对球员的粗鲁对待破坏了团队士气。)

13. Despite his churlish exterior, he had a kind heart. (尽管表面上粗鲁,但他内心善良。)

14. The churlish comments in the meeting derailed the constructive discussion. (会议上的粗鲁评论破坏了建设性讨论。)

15. Her churlish refusal to compromise led to a breakdown in negotiations. (她不愿意妥协的粗鲁态度导致了谈判的破裂。)


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