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时间: 2024-10-05 18:32:47


"Fattish" 是一个形容词,意思是有点胖的、略微肥胖的。这里有一些例句和它们的中文解释:

1. She was of a fattish build, with a round face and chubby cheeks. (她身材略显丰满,脸上圆圆的,两颊饱满。)

2. He had a fattish appearance, but he was surprisingly agile. (他看起来有点胖,但出奇地灵活。)

3. The child had a fattish belly from eating too many sweets. (这个孩子因吃了太多糖果,肚子有点胖。)

4. Despite being fattish, she was always active and energetic. (尽管略显丰腴,她总是充满活力。)

5. His face was round and fattish, giving him a jovial appearance. (他的脸圆圆的,显得有点丰满,看起来很开朗。)

6. The dog had a slightly fattish body, indicating a life of leisure. (这只狗身材略显丰腴,显示它过着悠闲的生活。)

7. She was on the fattish side, but she carried herself with confidence. (她略显丰腴,但她自信满满。)

8. The fattish squirrel struggled to fit through the narrow opening. (那只略显丰腴的松鼠挣扎着穿过狭窄的开口。)

9. His appearance was rather fattish due to his love of hearty meals. (由于他爱吃丰盛的饭菜,他的外表有点胖。)

10. The chef preferred using fattish chickens for their juiciness. (厨师喜欢使用略显丰腴的鸡,因为它们多汁。)

11. Despite being fattish, she maintained a healthy lifestyle. (尽管身材略显丰腴,她仍然保持健康的生活方式。)

12. The cat had a pleasantly fattish appearance, reflecting its well-fed status. (这只猫看起来有点胖胖的,显示它吃得很好。)

13. He had a fattish face with chubby cheeks that made him look younger. (他的脸有点丰满,两颊饱满,看起来比实际年龄年轻。)

14. The dress was designed to flatter even the fattish figures. (这件连衣裙设计得可以衬托出略显丰满的身材。)

15. Despite his fattish build, he was surprisingly graceful on the dance floor. (尽管身材略显丰满,他在舞池上却出奇地优雅。)


上一个 【英语】yellowish的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】furbish的例句



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