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时间: 2024-10-05 18:08:28



1. Political extremism often leads to polarization within society.

- 政治极端主义经常导致社会的两极分化。

2. His extremism on environmental issues alienated many of his colleagues.

- 他在环境问题上的极端立场使他疏远了许多同事。

3. Religious extremism has been a major concern in the region for decades.

- 宗教极端主义几十年来一直是该地区的主要关注点。

4. The group's extremism drove away moderate members who sought compromise.

- 这个团体的极端主义驱赶了寻求妥协的温和成员。

5. Extreme views often breed intolerance and hostility.

- 极端观点常常滋生不宽容和敌意。

6. He was known for his extremism in advocating for animal rights.

- 他因为在倡导动物权利方面的极端主张而闻名。

7. The rise of extremism in the region has caused widespread concern among neighboring countries.

- 该地区极端主义的兴起引起了邻国的广泛关注。

8. Economic extremism, such as advocating for extreme forms of capitalism or socialism, often results in economic instability.

- 经济极端主义,比如鼓吹极端的资本主义或社会主义形式,往往导致经济不稳定。

9. She distanced herself from the group due to their increasing extremism.

- 她因为他们日益极端的立场而与这个团体保持距离。

10. Extremism can hinder progress in negotiations by refusing to compromise.

- 极端主义可能通过拒绝妥协来阻碍谈判的进展。

11. He was influenced by extremist ideologies during his youth.

- 他在年轻时受到极端意识形态的影响。

12. The government vowed to combat religious extremism through education and social programs.

- 政府誓言通过教育和社会项目来打击宗教极端主义。

13. Extremism often arises from a sense of injustice or disenfranchisement.

- 极端主义往往源于对不公正或剥夺感的认知。

14. They argued that their actions were necessary to counter extremism in the region.

- 他们辩称他们的行动对抗该地区的极端主义是必要的。

15. The rise of extremism posed a serious threat to national security.

- 极端主义的兴起对国家安全构成了严重威胁。


上一个 【英语】opportunism的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】Islamism的例句



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