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时间: 2024-10-05 18:33:49


"Pedagogism" 这个词并不是一个常见的英语词汇,可能是一个不太常见或者新兴的术语。在这种情况下,我可以尝试基于一般的学术背景和语境为您提供一些可能的例句和中文解释,尽管这并不是一个普遍使用的术语。

1. "The school's curriculum emphasizes pedagogism, focusing on student-centered learning and individualized instruction."

- 这所学校的课程强调教育主义,注重以学生为中心的学习和个性化指导。

2. "Her teaching philosophy is deeply rooted in pedagogism, advocating for interactive classroom activities and collaborative learning."

- 她的教学理念深深植根于教育主义,主张互动式课堂活动和协作学习。

3. "The professor's research explores the application of pedagogism in early childhood education."

- 这位教授的研究探讨了教育主义在幼儿教育中的应用。

4. "Pedagogism encourages educators to tailor their teaching methods to suit the needs and interests of each student."

- 教育主义鼓励教育工作者根据每个学生的需求和兴趣来调整他们的教学方法。

5. "The educational conference focused on the principles of pedagogism and its impact on educational outcomes."

- 这次教育会议侧重于教育主义的原则及其对教育结果的影响。

6. "Incorporating pedagogism into the curriculum has improved student engagement and academic performance."

- 将教育主义融入课程中已经提升了学生的参与度和学术表现。

7. "Pedagogism emphasizes the role of the teacher as a facilitator of learning rather than a source of knowledge."

- 教育主义强调教师作为学习的促进者,而不是知识的源泉。

8. "The new educational framework adopts principles of pedagogism to foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills."

- 新的教育框架采纳了教育主义的原则,以培养批判性思维和问题解决能力。

9. "Pedagogism encourages a more student-driven approach to learning, allowing for personalized educational experiences."

- 教育主义鼓励更多由学生驱动的学习方法,使个性化的教育体验成为可能。

10. "Teachers trained in pedagogism are adept at adapting their teaching strategies to diverse classroom environments."

- 接受过教育主义培训的教师善于调整他们的教学策略以适应多样化的课堂环境。

11. "Pedagogism challenges traditional teaching methods by promoting active learning and student participation."

- 教育主义通过推广积极学习和学生参与来挑战传统的教学方法。

12. "The principles of pedagogism advocate for inclusive education practices that cater to all learners' needs."

- 教育主义的原则主张包容性教育实践,满足所有学习者的需求。

13. "Pedagogism in early childhood development focuses on holistic approaches to education, nurturing both academic and social skills."

- 早期儿童发展中的教育主义专注于整体教育方法,培养学术和社交技能。

14. "Implementing pedagogism requires ongoing professional development for educators to enhance their instructional practices."

- 实施教育主义需要教育工作者进行持续的专业发展,以提升他们的教学实践。

15. "Pedagogism places importance on assessing learning outcomes to continually improve educational methods."

- 教育主义重视评估学习结果,以持续改进教育方法。


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